How the hell got "Burn the Rope" to top 2 within a few days?
It is beyond my mind.
Anybody knows, what they did?
It is beyond my mind.
Anybody knows, what they did?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
They are on the main page in N&N
But Assault Commando was also there and we didn't reach the top 25 with it.
Ok, maybe ROPE and N&N = instant success :-P
Why is Pessimistic Birds a nono and Burn the Rope a gogo?
They both try to swim on the wake of an already successful game.
My mate Jake came up with a game called 'Something' Birds. (as in, 'something' is something else, I just don't want to give away the title!).
When I told my brother about it, he instantly assumed that we'd made a copy of Angry Birds.
We haven't! The game's nothing like Angry Birds, and the title actually describes the gameplay.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Not sure how good the game actually is, as I havent played it... but it shows that the devs are serious about making it a hit.
From what I understand, the devs are a fully fledged cross platform gaming studio, with around 50 the marketting spend wouldnt even equal 2-3 peoples salaries for a month... so for a company like that, who probably spent 50k to 100k developing the game, the marketting budget would seem like a reasonable expense.
Im not sure exactly what the Tapjoy installs are...but from checking their website it sounds like its buying sales of the game through an agency, to help boost sales figures.
If somebody installs your game through them, you pay your bid and the user, who installed it gets paid.
They use some ingame-currency-like thingy to motivate the users to install games.
I was emailing with one of the guys a few months back, but when I asked, how it works and had some deeper questions, he just didn't answer my email further.
I didn't really understood the system and it seems, they don't really can explaine it in a reasonable manner, so I think, something is foul with them.
Talking of advertising....Im seeing quite a lot of Alpine Crawler Wild ads during my daily browsing, so it looks like youve gone for a pretty intensive campaign yourselves.
Youve already built up a popular brand with previous Alpine Crawler games, so it would be interesting to hear from a developer in your position how well you think the adverts on various sites help to drive sales.
Oh... and congrats on the Games:New & Noteworthy slot for the game
and it is a good game.
The situation is a bit more complicated, than that.
My company was only the publisher for the original Alpine Crawler games.
After the success of World the guys decided to go their own ways and they publishhed Wild themselves. They were the ones, who organised the AD campaign too.
But we still share data.
It was not as successful as expected. Since release it brought about $50.000
The advertisement campaign is also not really visible.
There is a raising tendency, but we don't know if it is the AD or the reviews ( or the N&N.
The funny thing is, we have found out that there are even Alpine Crawler "Conventions" in the US :-D
The sad thing is, the release of Wild had absolutely no impact on the sales of World or Assault Commando, although there is cross advertising in them.
@Hunn: Congrats on AC: Wild getting featured, sure you'll see a huge boost there, do you plan on keeping pricing the same or increasing?
We have learned now, that we will never ever release a game on Christmas :-P
Maybe I'm just paranoid, but with GS being very quick to develop for, I worry about that 1% of the community taking an idea/visual style and running with it before I've finished!
For that reason, I'll never show anything till it's pretty much done
This year we have about 12 games in the pipeline. We'll see which ones get made and which don't! First up is Disco Farm, which should be out by the end of Jan, with 'Project Air' out by the end of Feb. We'll see where we stand after that with regard to the rest!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
@QS: I hear ya' on that. I usually don't post previews unless it's been submitted
12 games! Wowzers, can't wait to see what's in store!
We are the developers of BTR. There is really no big secret behind the this. As someone mentioned, we used Tapjoy and this brought us about 2000 installs, but all this was before Christmas where we were barely hanging in top #100. Even review didn't help that much. After being featured on Thursday, sales just took off like crazy. We had 8 titles featured so far but none of them did so well.
I can't see being anything else than the game itself, it is really one of the most original games in years. If you look at the top right now, nothing is very original; Angry Birds is another version of crash the castle, Cut the Rope took most of the mechanics from The Incredible Machine, etc.
Congratz on the app!
Keep up the good work!
If you come back and don't mind to share, can you tell us, what did the tapjoy campaign cost and if you are satisfied with the service?
I didn't know you were behind alpine crawler. Thats a great game. I started playing that game long before I started developing. Everyone of my friends loved it too, it's no wonder to me it has been doing well.
What is the concern with releasing on christmas? I didn't release a game on christmas but had a couple up already and my sales went from $150 the few days before to $700 on christmas day. I did submit a game before christmas but it wasn't approved until a few days ago because of the itunes connect shutdown.
Congrats on BTR. I bet it was an amazing surprise to see your game at the top like that.
I wish you both continued success on the appstore. I hope to be up there near the top one day as well.
Best of luck!
Thanks! I am happy to hear that you liked it :-)
For some people Christmas did bring a spike, but for us it was not, what we were expecting.
Alpine Crawler Wild was released before christmas, but EA killed it with their 99 cents campaign pretty much.
Without EA and without the lockdown we were doing way better, we believe.