How could I make a "score" system for a quiz type page?

xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey gang,
I am thinking of introducing a score system for one of. Y applications ...

Here is the thing. I have ten scenes, each sene features a choice to make which is ether right, or wrong.
Once the player made her/his decision, the next scene loads and the process repeats.

How can I make a scoring system that shows which pages (scenes) were answered correctly and which ones were not?

How can I call the 10 scenes at random so that the answers do nit become a predictable pattern?
Note that the quiz is only a small part of the main app and there are about 50 or more scenes once I'm done.

Thanks :)


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    For the scoring system have a atrribute for each scene called answers completed . Then when each correct answers is chosen change answers completed +1, so everytime a correct anwer is givin it adds one to the attribute. Then when you reach the last question (say theres 10 questions) have a rule when answers complete = 10, display your complete image or whatever rules you want to do.

    To switch scenes at random you would have a attribute called scene switch. Put a rule in each scene when switch scene =1 change to level one, when switch level = 2 change to level 2. To that to every scene increasing the equal number by 1. The in whatever you want to trigger the change scene, have a rule change attribute switch scene, then in where you change it select the expression editor, click the 2nd drop down arrow and click random. The inside the parenthesis have 1 with a coma then the number of the last scene. So say you have fifty scenes it will look like this: random(1,50)

    So what that does is whenever you want the scene to change, it chooses a random number which inturn switches to a random scene because each number corresponds with a scene.

    Hope i helped! :)
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    THAT is exactly what I need!

    It's too late to start but hopefully in a few hours.

    I do have one question. The quiz only applies to about 10 to 12 scenes our of 50 or so.
    Is there a way to specify which scenes can be chosen at random?

    Thanks for writing all of that info. I hope it will be useful for many salateers out there!

    I can't wait to upload this puppy to apple! Now that I have ear training, it will be the only app offering this ... for a while :)

    I'll email ya later,
    e :)
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Yep only have the switch scene rules where when attribute = whatever switch scenes only in the scenes you want to switch to. And then lower the max random number to the ammount of scenes your switching between.

    Also dont forgot to change the attribute scene switch back to 0 right after you switch the scene :)
  • elgenaroelgenaro Member Posts: 14
    Wow, had the same question, glad to see it's been answered, great forum! Thanks JP!
  • elgenaroelgenaro Member Posts: 14
    yay! spam! :D
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