Camera follow question
Member Posts: 48
I am trying to make a racing game where the car is placed in the same spot on the screen, with enough play to allow the car to move left and right without the camera moving left and right, but if veering too far, the camera is forced to follow it and keep it in frame. Now if this is too difficult, I could just make the car a bit smaller and just have enough room for mistake, not allowing the car to let the camera follow.
I was hoping theres a simple way to make the track one actor with a certain amount of friction that allows the car to gain speed, and an underlaying actor (the grass around the track) that has more friction, that when ran over, it slows the car down. Can anyone give me any tips or point me to a good set of tutorials?
I was hoping theres a simple way to make the track one actor with a certain amount of friction that allows the car to gain speed, and an underlaying actor (the grass around the track) that has more friction, that when ran over, it slows the car down. Can anyone give me any tips or point me to a good set of tutorials?
to make the ground affect the speed, you'd need to construct the track with different actors, and have rules that say
when overlaps with actor of type grass
move at speed 20
when overlaps with actor of type track
move at speed 40
something like that anyways. This way would involve a lot of actors on screen, especially of you have curves.
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