Stop watch and Leader board?

DonaldMDonaldM Member Posts: 48
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
How do you keep a stop watch and leader board in the game? Would there need to be a server that receives the score? My racing game should come down to milliseconds to get an accurate finish time. I was hoping that you could have the ability to post it on an "official" leader board that I could check...maybe even send out some stickers and pins to the winner every month.

Thanks guy!


  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    No internet connection with gamesalad for now, so you can only put in a local leaderboard
  • DonaldMDonaldM Member Posts: 48
    hmmmm i guess achievements would do. What about the stop watch for laps? Like keeping track of all the lap times?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    To make a stopwatch make 1 interger attribute and call it stopwatchstart and make 1 real attribute and call it stopwatchtime. When the player starts moving have a rule change stopwatchstart to 1. Then have another rule when stopwatchstart=1 then drag in a timer and have every 1 second, then drag a change attribute behavior into the timer and change stopwatchtime to stopwatchtime+1. Then when the player reaches the finish line change stopwatch start to 0. Then the stopwatch time attribute will be the time in seconds it took, so then you can just have a display text behavior or wahtever youwant and display the stopwatch time attribute to show the time. Then when you change scenes change stopwatchtime to 0 to reset the stopwatch back to 0.

    Hope i helped
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