Platformer help
Ok a couple of things, first off a thanks in advance for anyone who responds to this, it'll be a big help.
Onto the questions I've got:
1)I don't really understand the concept of how to make menu screens in game salad, nor save games, but I'm not at that point yet. A basic title screen is one thing, but I also want a level select, which allows you to replay previous levels (see Angry birds if you don't know what I mean)
2)Enemy AI. This as been plaguing me for a couple months now. I can't figure out how to make a proper enemy AI for my game.
I guess I need to provide some background. The game I'm working on is almost a megama/metroid-type shooter (side scroller shoot-em up)
For starters, I want to be able to control when my enemies are shooting. if they "see" the player, then they start shooting. I've tried to mimic sight by the use of triggers, but I can't get it to work without making a whole new actor for each enemy instance in a scene. this is for stationary enemies and things like tanks, which have little movement.
3) enemy AI again, but this time more complex. For boss enemies and such, I want them to be able to locate the player and either, shoot at, charge towards, or jump away, depending on where the player is (jump away in the player is too close, charge if they're too far, and shoot when distance is optimal, etc) This is for more complex enemies and for bosses.
Maybe I'm not thinking right, but it feels very overwhelming when it comes to programming enemy AI (I've never done it before myself)
Besides those three main roadblocks, if there's anything else you'd like to add about what makes your favourite platformer so good, please don't hesitate to contribute.
If this project ever gets finished, I'll be putting all helpful users in the "Special thanks" credits.
I'm doing this game 100% independent, by myself, so the art is also a bit slap-dash and... not quite done yet. I'll post screenshots as things get further under way.
Again, thank you all!!
Onto the questions I've got:
1)I don't really understand the concept of how to make menu screens in game salad, nor save games, but I'm not at that point yet. A basic title screen is one thing, but I also want a level select, which allows you to replay previous levels (see Angry birds if you don't know what I mean)
2)Enemy AI. This as been plaguing me for a couple months now. I can't figure out how to make a proper enemy AI for my game.
I guess I need to provide some background. The game I'm working on is almost a megama/metroid-type shooter (side scroller shoot-em up)
For starters, I want to be able to control when my enemies are shooting. if they "see" the player, then they start shooting. I've tried to mimic sight by the use of triggers, but I can't get it to work without making a whole new actor for each enemy instance in a scene. this is for stationary enemies and things like tanks, which have little movement.
3) enemy AI again, but this time more complex. For boss enemies and such, I want them to be able to locate the player and either, shoot at, charge towards, or jump away, depending on where the player is (jump away in the player is too close, charge if they're too far, and shoot when distance is optimal, etc) This is for more complex enemies and for bosses.
Maybe I'm not thinking right, but it feels very overwhelming when it comes to programming enemy AI (I've never done it before myself)
Besides those three main roadblocks, if there's anything else you'd like to add about what makes your favourite platformer so good, please don't hesitate to contribute.
If this project ever gets finished, I'll be putting all helpful users in the "Special thanks" credits.
I'm doing this game 100% independent, by myself, so the art is also a bit slap-dash and... not quite done yet. I'll post screenshots as things get further under way.
Again, thank you all!!
Check out this video I have level select and AI in the 1.0 template.
I'm almost tempted to buy your template, but partially due to being completely independent and as such I have an extensively high budget of $0 and a somewhat personal need to put it together myself, I'll have to sit on it before I make a final decision.
Is there a product page I can look at? I'm not completely familiar with peer to peer paypal transfers.
No product page atm, might update my site soon.
I have sold around 45 of the platform templates to GS users and all have said how happy they are with the purchase.
I send the template via email after payment is clear (normally 2mins with PayPal).
Pop me a mail if you want more info: toyboxuk[at]
I have just started V2 Platform template to include some more complex rules and elements.
I think I might have to pass though on your first template. I'm much more concerned with enemy AI, and I should be able to figure out the other pieces myself.
Though, depending on when you finish version2, I'll probably take a good hard look at it. Drop me a PM or e-mail me at
Thanks much Darren,