Need help with Photoshop!!!

sebbuesebbue Member Posts: 12
How can i make a active circle in my game.
Right now i can only make a circle in an active but invisabel square

-if you cant understand the question then please tell

-thanks for helping me :)


  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    not sure if it is photoshop you need help with. But in Gamesalad all images are rectangles/squares even if the visible part is not. You pick either a rectangle or a circle as the collision shape under physics in the Actor.

    Let me know if that doesn't answer your issue and give me a bit more to work on.
  • sebbuesebbue Member Posts: 12
    it is that
    Thanks a lot
  • sebbuesebbue Member Posts: 12
    but what if the shape is triangle what do i do then?
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    gets a bit more tricky. When you are in Gamesalad click New and the + symbol on the left of the window that opens. Then type BMX in the search bar at the top. A BMX template should show which you can open to edit and view.

    The reason I point you here is that the template uses numerous square or circle collision shapes to make a curve to slide on. In the instance you have you will need to name a small collision actor and then use numerous of them to make a pyramid .. that collective shape will make your triangle.

    More tricky if your triangle moves as you will need to constrain each pyramid piece to the triangles position so they move with it. Can be done but a little more work.
  • sebbuesebbue Member Posts: 12
    thanks but its not that I am going to make a game.

    The actor looking like a mouse on the computer and I am going to use the mouse keys to move it around

    -I hope you can help me
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