problems with game salad crashes!
Member Posts: 114
Hi guys, i'm new here so let me introduce myself: I'm tabelor. I'm working with game salad since one week and i have noticed that it become more and more slow. I don't know were the problem come from, i work with a powerfull machine (mac book intel core 2 duo 2,23 mhz, 4 gigas ram, 250HD, etc...) with enougth power to manage a software like game salad so i don't understand, i'm i the only guy with this problem? My version is 0.9.0 beta, ¿it is the best/last version?
Thansk & cheers
Thansk & cheers
Now i have another completely diferent cuestion, and don't know if it's better to ask here or in a new topic, but let's try here:
I'm making a platform game. My dummy can jump in platforms, with a simple rule: when he colides he can jump. The problem of this rule is he can climb walls too! So i want to fix this making one only area (the foot) were he can have colisions and jump and the rest of the body non colidable.
Is it posible?