mac.Appular - Review Website targeted at Indepedent Developers

Hi, I recently set up a review web sight that specifically looks at apps published in the new Mac App Store. My site is still in its infant stage however we have a dedicated and growing team of writers. Here at mac.Appular, while reviewing all notable apps,we try to focus on apps developed by independent developers (such as the GS community).
If any developers, developing for the Mac platform, would like a review of their game or simply have news about their upcoming game and simply want to get the word out, feel free to e-mail us at
Feel free to check out the website at
If any developers, developing for the Mac platform, would like a review of their game or simply have news about their upcoming game and simply want to get the word out, feel free to e-mail us at
Feel free to check out the website at
If any developers out there are developing for the Mac and would like us to get the word out or do a review of there app, please e-mail us at
Thank You
The rules of the competition state that I cannot distribute the game during the judging period which lasts for a couple of months. If the competition goes well I may put it on the Mac appstore for free as a way to encourage people to check out the rest of the curriculum that goes with it (If I were to win this competition the prize money would go towards developing student activity books that go with the game). If I do not win I may put it out as a paid app. We'll see...
Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks You
Feel free to e-mail us at if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank You
He does not do Mac apps yet.
The reviews get 70-90 clicks per day and the iTune links get about 10% hit rate.
We specialize in reviewing Mac Apps made by independent developers such as the GameSalad community. If any developers are developing for the Mac feel free to PM me or send an e-mail to