★★★MEGA TEMPLATE PACK: Over 30 Projects★★★

UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
***Now includes canabalt and improved coverflow***

In conjunction with the template king Wayne we have decided to sell months of work in one massive mega template pack.

The art for Fish Ninja cost me more than this whole collection so it really is fantastic value for money.

32 games and projects from myself and Wayne include:

Platform Move and Jump
Bubble Game
Fruit Machine
Kenny The Cow
GS Bike
GS Crab Man
GS Drag Throw Physics
GS Dress Maker
GS Geo Wars
GS Hockey v CPU
GS Hockey v Human
GS Instant Trax Beat Box
GS Mr Lifter
GS Parallax
GS Particles
GS Pinch Zoom Rotate
GS Pumpkin
GS Scroll Menu
GS Slide Show
GS Street Fighter
GS Tap Tap Music
GS Tap Tap Runner
GS Tempest
GS Ultimate Breakout
Layers-walk in front and behind trees
Move in grid
Slider Puzzle
Fish Ninja




  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Whilst i am seriously tempted i think i am going to have to give this one a miss. Everytime wayne released a new template i saved it so i fear i have half of these! And with no option to buy individually im afraid im gong to have to say ... im out
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Wow very nice stuff! I'm still in awe of the Street Fighter demo! :)
  • 8BitMichael8BitMichael Member, PRO Posts: 125
    That all looks great! However, I'm still working on a project with your last template. Any idea how long this will stay $150?
  • ozonostudioozonostudio Member Posts: 10
    Looks like a good deal, but if i buy it i'm going to have the same project than others and i'm going to have competition on that, and if i don't upload first maybe i can have some issues with iTunes
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    ozonostudio said:
    Looks like a good deal, but if i buy it i'm going to have the same project than others and i'm going to have competition on that, and if i don't upload first maybe i can have some issues with iTunes

    The idea is to use the code to create your own game not simply submit these templates to itunes :P the reason Wayne took his down was because of this.

  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    Darren please reject any attempts at payment from Rod Hammond!

    lol ... nice job with the template pack very tempting!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    simo103 said:
    Darren please reject any attempts at payment from Rod Hammond!

    lol ... nice job with the template pack very tempting!

    Haha np consider him excluded but like i said the art for Fish Ninja cost me more:)

  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Can you make videos for the ones that aren't up? like an all in one video. Going from template to template
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    simo103 said:
    Darren please reject any attempts at payment from Rod Hammond!

    lol ... nice job with the template pack very tempting!

    No kidding!! You will see every single one release next week under his name without even a change to the art.
    Although it did look like GS got him to pull the GS Template down finally
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    @darren, I was really looking forward to seeing how fruit ninja would come out :( I think you should keep that one to yourself.

    But everything looks amazing! There are some in there that would be extremely helpful to me, but a bunch that would be useless too. So right now I don't think I can afford it, but will definitely be checking back in soon!

    P.S. are you and wayne splitting the money 50/50?
  • johnzzljohnzzl Member Posts: 58
    DreamLab said:
    Can you make videos for the ones that aren't up? like an all in one video. Going from template to template

    +1 or atleast a playable version maybe to test this shizzle before i part with my bucks.

    Great work tho Darren.
    very interested in purchasing this.
    i will send email soon after more pics / playable / videos
  • DetheDethe Member Posts: 172
    very tempting but needs more vids
  • DetheDethe Member Posts: 172
    will you add more templates as you go along?
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    I got the temps earlier today and they are well worth it. I have already started incorporating some of them into my games. It also gave me some new ways to think about the how I organize and set up my games.

    Highly recommended.........
  • oxigenowoxigenow Member Posts: 17
    It´s great!!

    I had buy the platform template (very useful) and it´s a great learning resource but it´s not for make graphic changes and submit it.

    Mega Template Pack must be a great resource for GS users. One question for Darren, when this offer will finish? I want to buy it but I need to charge founds to my PayPal account.

    Sorry for my english (I´m Spanish) ;-)
  • CapCap Member Posts: 225
    Hum... some months ago lots of these templates were free. Now the regular price is 300$?! Oh my god, what happened to the community... :-(
    I really love the work of Darren and Wayne, but releasing templates that are so much more expensive than the development environment that they are done with (which isn't even version 1.0, by the way) doesn't sound good to me.
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    Cap said:
    Hum... some months ago lots of these templates were free. Now the regular price is 300$?! Oh my god, what happened to the community... :-(
    I really love the work of Darren and Wayne, but releasing templates that are so much more expensive than the development environment that they are done with (which isn't even version 1.0, by the way) doesn't sound good to me.

    Give them a break! Darren does this full time! Wayne doesn't want to see HIS templates on the app store. If you have to pay for them people are less likely to post them on the app store.
    These are very complicated templates and just one can help someone improve their game radically in my opinion that's worth the money.

    Cheers :)
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    And don't forget we have paid for art/music for these games.

    Fish Ninja cost me $200 a while back for the art and $250 for the Music and that's just one of the games available.

    Myself and Wayne have spent months on these templates so it's a little upsetting to us that some people can't see the value.

    We decided to put up one massive mega pack so people could learn a lot about GS.

    A few people not so long ago charged $100 an hour for paid help, as you guys know if you have ever sent me a mail if i can help i do it for free.

  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    You seem pretty quick and versatile with GS programming Darren. Do you have a programming background or know any programming languages?
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    We have tried many different engines but we use GS because of how fast it is to get something working.

    Speed comes with practice but don't get me wrong its not unusual for me to sit here scratching my head for an hour when i'm stuck :)

    Like a few of the other devs here i spent a lot of time daily with GS so that helps.

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Cap said:
    Hum... some months ago lots of these templates were free. Now the regular price is 300$?! Oh my god, what happened to the community... :-(
    I really love the work of Darren and Wayne, but releasing templates that are so much more expensive than the development environment that they are done with (which isn't even version 1.0, by the way) doesn't sound good to me.

    If you are a hobbyist then $300 may be a lot for your hobby. If you are a kid $300 might require quite a few hours babysitting. But if you are looking at this as a business then $300 for a business investment that with the right theme, icon, app name, etc. could make you 200x the price of this over the long haul of your career then the $300 looks like a steal.

    I too miss "the good old days" of tons of free templates, but the quality of the paid templates and the paid graphics packs that have been for sale lately have won me over to this new model. I am trying to make a business out of this and will probably buy this pack as a very affordable investment. One of the things that makes GS so great from a business perspective is the speed of development. I may only have the skills to make a game that earns 1/4th of the average Xcode developer lets say, but I can probably crank out 5 or 6 times as many good games in the time he/she makes one great game in Xcode. These templates speed up the process even more!

    So I am trying to leave the past in the past and do what is best for my business going forward. I think this new model is good for those who want to make a career out of this, but probably not so good for hobbyists.
  • BSideGamesBSideGames Member Posts: 392
    I got the platform template and love it most likely gonna get this one also.

    But my question is what about the people that have some of waynes templates from the free days. Can we no longer use them in our projects.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    The prices will go up on Monday:

    Platform Template $100

    MegaPack $300

    Shoot em up remains at $75

    Thanks for the support and i have had a few mails from users showing me games made using these templates.

    One guy made a shooter game in 3 hours using the template and its freaking amazing!!!

  • DetheDethe Member Posts: 172
    email sent!
  • oxigenowoxigenow Member Posts: 17
    Mega Pack received!!

    It´s a great tool. I´m developing my first game and I had a problem. In one element of a template game I found the solution.

    Mega Pack is a complete solution or a complete resource for several situations.

    Thanks Daren from Spain ;-)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Cap said:
    Hum... some months ago lots of these templates were free. Now the regular price is 300$?! Oh my god, what happened to the community... :-(
    I really love the work of Darren and Wayne, but releasing templates that are so much more expensive than the development environment that they are done with (which isn't even version 1.0, by the way) doesn't sound good to me.

    You can thank people like Rod Hammond for driving templates to be sold as opposed to free.
    And if you don't want to buy them then don't If I had 150 bucks I would have had this first day it was posted. Darren is not a greedy guy but he has to make a living. He has found a market for selling extremely useful templates he's free to do so at least they are original and good.
  • laxking97laxking97 Member Posts: 114
    Darren check your email please thanks for being so helpful and patient with me.

    -Jon Jon
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