ball keeps on bounces higher and higher

rex45rex45 Member Posts: 42
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
im using the ball breaker template right now and the ball gets faster and faster when it hits the paddle. i dont want it to do that. how do i make it bounce at a consistent rate?


  • AjBlueAjBlue Member Posts: 215
    maybe try constrain maxspeed

    or maybe just apply a maxspeed
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    Yer change the max speed :) and changing the restitution will effect the bounce if you want to play around with that.
  • rex45rex45 Member Posts: 42
    now its bouncing out of control
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Keep the restitution between the object and the platform the same, and don't choose too high of a number because that is what is causing it to jump out of control. Next, as everyone has said, put a max speed on there and apply that max speed as well, you can find that in the actors attributes. So say your speed is 300, then you want to set the max speed to 300 so it stays constant.
  • rex45rex45 Member Posts: 42
    its gravafiing towards the walls again!
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