Rotation Problem, Negative Y position of the center of the circle

Greg3dGreg3d Member Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,
I'm having a problem with the making an actor move in a perfect circle,. i followed the math in the link:

It works, I kind of understand what's going on, but when I try to make the origin point of the y axis a negative, it rotates once (sometimes) then dies. I assume it's the negative number in the maths that doing it.

My self position Y is constrained to 512*sin( self.Time *600%360)-352.

The hope is that the actor rotates in thru the center of the screen. The whole purpose of this is because my ground plane is not flat and the objects should follow the arc of the ground.


  • Greg3dGreg3d Member Posts: 3
    did some tinkering, looks like when the Y position gets past -500 it breaks... so I found a way around that. Now I'm having the same problem on the X position, trying the same kind of fix now. I assume when the values get to large it chokes and dies? I'm orbiting a radius of 1024 with a offset of -920.
  • Greg3dGreg3d Member Posts: 3
    fix seems to be working... seems like a lot of work for something that should 'just work'......
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