Selling Templates
Hello GS'ers,
I just wanted to chime in on the idea of selling templates. I feel mixed about this idea of doing it. On one hand, none of us are making good money doing this, so why not sell what you know to help people out. On the other hand though, I feel like it's going to cripple the up and comers such as myself. New devs need the help of these templates, most don't have the money to purchase these templates. I don't mind paying for them since a lot are very good, and i'm learning a lot.
"If you're good at something, never do it for free!" - Heath Ledger as The Joker TDK
I just wanted to chime in on the idea of selling templates. I feel mixed about this idea of doing it. On one hand, none of us are making good money doing this, so why not sell what you know to help people out. On the other hand though, I feel like it's going to cripple the up and comers such as myself. New devs need the help of these templates, most don't have the money to purchase these templates. I don't mind paying for them since a lot are very good, and i'm learning a lot.
"If you're good at something, never do it for free!" - Heath Ledger as The Joker TDK