mac.Appolis - Review Website targeted at Indepedent Developers

Hi, I recently set up a review web sight that specifically looks at apps published in the new Mac App Store. My site is still in its infant stage however we have a dedicated and growing team of writers. Here at mac.Appolis, while reviewing all notable apps,we try to focus on apps developed by independent developers (such as the GS community). We were formerly mac.Appular however due to legal issues I have been asked to take down the site.
If any developers, developing for the Mac platform, would like a review of their game or simply have news about their upcoming game and simply want to get the word out, feel free to e-mail us at
Check out the website at
If any developers, developing for the Mac platform, would like a review of their game or simply have news about their upcoming game and simply want to get the word out, feel free to e-mail us at
Check out the website at