Scroll deadzone

AjBlueAjBlue Member Posts: 215
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a scrolling screen that double the width of a normal screen. i would like to make a dead zone on the bottom that makes it impossible to scroll the bottom portion of the screen, as to make it easier to click buttons


  • msonesmsones Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 75
    Why don't you just scroll the buttons with the camera? Constrain their position (with an offset to place them in the correct position) to the actor that controls the camera. You could even place a backdrop behind them that made it look as if they were not scrolling.
  • AjBlueAjBlue Member Posts: 215
    i don't want the screen to be able to scroll when sliding on the button panel, the panel spans the whole width of the camera, and is a non scrollable layer. its a slide to scroll screen, like in tshirtbooths tutorial for a level select screen. i'm using it for my actual in game scene. sorry for not explaining as well as i should have.
  • msonesmsones Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 75
    If you don't want it to continue to scroll while you're touching the bottom panel, consider the following:

    For continuously-scrolling games (normally, camera following an invisible actor that moves at a set rate)
    Include a rule that states "if touchattribute=0, move and have camera follow; otherwise, stop".

    For a camera that simply tracks an actor as it moves through the scene, it shouldn't scroll when you're touching the bottom panel anyway - but you could basically use the same rule and just make the actor's movement controls reliant on touchattribute=0 in addition to any other rules (don't forget you can have multiple conditions for a rule to work!)

    Then change "touchattribute" to 1 whenever someone touches inside the bottom panel.

    I don't know of an easy way to create a non-scrolling portion of the screen in a scrolling scene, but someone else might!
  • AjBlueAjBlue Member Posts: 215
    i know
    tshirtbooth said:
    All you need to do is put that stuff on there own layer and use the scroll box
    here is a video

    i know all of that its just i have a non scrollable control panel, and then i have a scrollable game field. What i want is that when someone slides their finger on the control panel, that it doesn't cause the game field to be scrolled, but when the game field is swiped i want it to scroll. this way i won't have to worry about people scrolling the screen when they click a button and it not registering, and i can make it so if the finger is inside the button it lights up, and when let go while inside, the button works.
  • AjBlueAjBlue Member Posts: 215
    so do you suggest doing number attribute switches, compared to doing boolean attribute switches?
  • AjBlueAjBlue Member Posts: 215
    ok so i finally figured it out, i was getting this weird thing where if i flick in the no scroll zone, it would move a little but it didn't move if i move slow. so i tried flipping the number attribute, and this way it makes it so you can only scroll when inside the actor. instead of it having to figure out if you mouse is not in the actor to prevent it from scrolling
  • AjBlueAjBlue Member Posts: 215
    agh, now im getting a weird bug where at the speed i let the scroll at it doesn't gradually slow down. it just keeps going
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