Scroll deadzone
Member Posts: 215
I have a scrolling screen that double the width of a normal screen. i would like to make a dead zone on the bottom that makes it impossible to scroll the bottom portion of the screen, as to make it easier to click buttons
For continuously-scrolling games (normally, camera following an invisible actor that moves at a set rate)
Include a rule that states "if touchattribute=0, move and have camera follow; otherwise, stop".
For a camera that simply tracks an actor as it moves through the scene, it shouldn't scroll when you're touching the bottom panel anyway - but you could basically use the same rule and just make the actor's movement controls reliant on touchattribute=0 in addition to any other rules (don't forget you can have multiple conditions for a rule to work!)
Then change "touchattribute" to 1 whenever someone touches inside the bottom panel.
I don't know of an easy way to create a non-scrolling portion of the screen in a scrolling scene, but someone else might!