How Much Do You All Make on Your Games?

I am new to this and would like to find out you all make. Part of the reason for this is that everyone around here is selling things and people are buying! Along with, I am a kid and the $99 dev fee seams like a lot... Should I buy it? Thanks
Other games make $2-$3 week.
It all depends.
That was from an article I read last week.
note on "average" so some will make more, some will make less
Some of my first games have made in a year around £20
Our average is around £400 though, and we had one that's made around 10 times that since the summer < but that had a good New and Noteworthy feature.
Unless your games are really bad, you should make the $99 in a year without too much stress.
don't expect to get rich off your first game though (like some people do)