We'll have more "official" announcements soon, but I was personally curious: who all will be participating in the Global Game Jam this coming weekend? http://globalgamejam.org/
Bummer! Finally there is something going on in Vancouver in which I'd love to participate but I am not mobile (no mac book). It would be cool to show the kids that we old timers can focus for 48 hours without snoozing
Maybe I'll drag my laptop there just to be present and spy a little because I am in desperate need for a local partner if I want to create all the apps which are scribbled on the whiteboard hanging on the wall :-)
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,198
Usually the game jam has a good mix of beginners and experienced game devs. From the ones I've been to, they were also in desperate need of sound and image talent.
Would love to say yes and go along... but my wife already has to put up with me working on GameSalad pretty much every spare minute of my life, evening, morning etc. And when I'm not working on a game I'm talking about an idea, a chart position, success stories. So if I stole the whole weekend and did'nt have family time. I think I'd be sent to the sofa for a while....hmm... perfect opportunity to work on my game...
stormystudio said: Would love to say yes and go along... but my wife already has to put up with me working on GameSalad pretty much every spare minute of my life, evening, morning etc. And when I'm not working on a game I'm talking about an idea, a chart position, success stories. So if I stole the whole weekend and did'nt have family time. I think I'd be sent to the sofa for a while....hmm... perfect opportunity to work on my game...
AMEN! My bebe is pretty fed up with my new addiction too! She want's to cancel the internet LOL ... not that it's gonna happen Come to think of it, if I don't come by here in a few days, I did not defect to the xCode camp but have other issues
We've got a pretty cool reward set up for people who participate in this year's jam. I was going to post that on the blog/forums/fb/twitter today, but a couple of outside forces have kept that from happening. It's a definite for tomorrow morning.
We'd love nothing more than to see a huge turnout of GameSalad devs at GGJ locations all over the world. We know you're out there, let's show the world how big our Community really is!
Prodigio said: im sorry but i dont really get it, what is the Global Game Jamming???????????
there's a link in the first (yellow) post! If you just got up (like me) then have a cup of coffee before you read
God I'm good! Just woke up a few minutes ago and already helping out total stranger! LOL
This is very tempting because i have just completed all the preparations for a new project and it wold be cool to kick it off there. Anyone has a spare MacBook I could borrow? LOL
Sounds cool though will check out the games that are made for sure!
It would be cool to show the kids that we old timers can focus for 48 hours without snoozing
Maybe I'll drag my laptop there just to be present and spy a little because I am in desperate need for a local partner if I want to create all the apps which are scribbled on the whiteboard hanging on the wall :-)
It would be an interesting experience but i'm not confident enough in my in skills yet to travel 4 hours and stay the weekend. Maybe next year.
They don't but if you can find a local space that will let a bunch of people hang out for 48hr, you can register your own site! http://www.globalgamejam.org/wiki/basic-questions#register
And the next year, me and my friend will definitely participate!
Come to think of it, if I don't come by here in a few days, I did not defect to the xCode camp but have other issues
We'd love nothing more than to see a huge turnout of GameSalad devs at GGJ locations all over the world. We know you're out there, let's show the world how big our Community really is!
-- Yodapollo
If you just got up (like me) then have a cup of coffee before you read
God I'm good! Just woke up a few minutes ago and already helping out total stranger! LOL
This is very tempting because i have just completed all the preparations for a new project and it wold be cool to kick it off there. Anyone has a spare MacBook I could borrow? LOL