★★★GS Project Merger Available NOW!★★★

UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Updated to 0.2.2 (Fri 4th Feb) now includes a fix for TAG Attributes.


Our exciting new tool is out now...save hours by the click of a button and bring 2 or more projects together in seconds instead of hours.




GS Tools Website Come and see our collection of great GS Tools.
Platform Template Our most popular template with over 100 sales.
Mega Pack 31 Templates Amazing value with 32 fantastic templates.
Shoot Em Up Template Over 30 moving enemies with 0 slow down.



  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Just playing devils advocate but whats the chances this keeps working after each GS update? Or do you not foresee this turning into a fiasco like jail breaking where each update you have to rework the software to keep it working. Cause if i'm not wrong they have seen it. for some reason they don't want it. so what says they don't buy a copy just to find a way to disable it in future versions?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    tshirtbooth said:
    tenrdrmer, There s a difference between them not wanting it and them just not wanting to pay for it. I dont think GS has any issue with it at all. And if they did something to make it not work the out cry from the community would be so big they would only hurt themselves.

    The only thing I have ever seen the community outcry make any difference with GS is with the whole Game Salad Direct thing.

    And I can see Gamesalad as not wanting this to exist. in a sense it is the first of many programs that will modify the Game Project which really opens the door to modify the gameproject to other languages. GS is screwed if that happens. I highly doubt they would let on to Darren that they didn't want it existing so whats to say they don't dissect it and find a way to disable. I'm not saying I have no plans to buy it cause I have some ideas that really need it. I'm just asking the question.
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    tshirtbooth said:
    tenrdrmer, There s a difference between them not wanting it and them just not wanting to pay for it. I dont think GS has any issue with it at all. And if they did something to make it not work the out cry from the community would be so big they would only hurt themselves.

    Well that just baffles me... GS had the chance to grab and incorporate something into the tools that would have been a huge new addition (probably the biggest in months) and had a prime opportunity to make a really positive gesture to the community.... but they seem to have passed up on it?

    I'm guessing that Darren and Wayne werent asking for silly money, as theyve priced the program at a more than reasonable $30, so its a little disconcerting that GS didnt see the value in paying the cost of what probably amounted to maybe the equivalent of a coders salary for a month or 2, in order to buy the merger program and make it available to all its paid up users.

    I think theyve really missed a trick here...

    But... no worries... I'll be getting new Paypal funds tomorrow, so will be happily buying my copy of the merger straight from Darren and Wayne.

    $30 is a complete steal for what the program brings to the table!...
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Just wanted to say i absolutely love you guys! Bought this last night and tried a merge, its as simple as that. Works just like it says on the tin! This will save hours and a lot of headaches, great value at $30 :) Very well done, keep up the amazing work guys, cant wait for the Project Resizer either.

    Question ... Do you plan on updating the Project Merger? I operate sadly on a 13" macbook and as this is in a fixed format, i have to move my dock to the side (i like it at the bottom) to be able to hit the merge button.
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    beefy_clyro said:
    Question ... Do you plan on updating the Project Merger? I operate sadly on a 13" macbook and as this is in a fixed format, i have to move my dock to the side (i like it at the bottom) to be able to hit the merge button.

    The next update will be suitable for 13" Macbooks.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    wayneh001 said:
    The next update will be suitable for 13" Macbooks.

    Thanks for answering, that will be great :)
  • haplo67haplo67 Member Posts: 38
    Hi Darren, I've purchased program merger but I havent still received! Any problem?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    utopiangames said:
    Payment via link below, your download will start automatically after payment


    Any problems email: toyboxuk[AT]hotmail.com


    Seems you were suposed to be given a link to download after paying.
  • dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
    Perhaps it downloaded automatically
    haplo67 said:
    Hi Darren, I've purchased program merger but I havent still received! Any problem?

    Perhaps it downloaded automatically (as designed to) and was placed in your "downloads" folder (where downloads go by default). Just an idea.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    @Haplo67 please mail toyboxuk[AT]hotmail.com some people had problems with the download.

  • haplo67haplo67 Member Posts: 38

    mail sent

  • lexanderlexander Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 6
    @utopian Thanks for creating such a time-saver for GameSalad users. I hope this leads to a greater ecosystem of tools built around GameSalad. Maybe a section in the wiki could be created for tools and other resources.

    My only thoughts are about the use of the word GameSalad in the name, which we've been required by law to enforce, if we hope to keep the name. Maybe we can standardize around using GS as a prefix or creative puns around food or salad. May I suggest "SaladMixer"?

    Also, I'm sure we all understand that GameSalad can't take into account these tools for future releases. We'll need to reserve the ability to change the format in order to innovate and add new features. We also hope that there are no expectations that we will provide tech support for 3rd party tools, that's a tab that the tool developer will have to pick up. ;-)

    Well, keep up the good work!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    A section in the wiki would be great.

    We will change the name in a new version 2morro sorry for not thinking.

    Yes we will be updating as times change and we certainly don't expect you to provide support for 3rd party tools.

    Thanks for the support.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    lexander said:
    @utopian Thanks for creating such a time-saver for GameSalad users. I hope this leads to a greater ecosystem of tools built around GameSalad. Maybe a section in the wiki could be created for tools and other resources.

    My only thoughts are about the use of the word GameSalad in the name, which we've been required by law to enforce, if we hope to keep the name. Maybe we can standardize around using GS as a prefix or creative puns around food or salad. May I suggest "SaladMixer"?

    Also, I'm sure we all understand that GameSalad can't take into account these tools for future releases. We'll need to reserve the ability to change the format in order to innovate and add new features. We also hope that there are no expectations that we will provide tech support for 3rd party tools, that's a tab that the tool developer will have to pick up. ;-)

    Well, keep up the good work!

    I guess we can take this as the official "NO" yoda mentioned in the big picture post

    Darren I hope you dont raise your price I will be buying this eventually I just cannot afford at the moment.
  • cbtcbt Member Posts: 644
    Yeah, maybe this is an official "NO" but, I didn't expect even this much support from GameSalad for a 3rd party tool.

    They are once again "different" from any other "not-so-small" company I know :) Thank you for that!

    And lexander said that they won't be providing tech support. I don't really understand how this tools are made, but, if the base structure of GameSalad software changes, will you explain it or send maybe a little sample to Darren and Wayne? Or with "no support" motto this is prohibited too? I'm asking this because it really can speed up their work I guess..

    And thank you Darren and Wayne, a definite buy from me in near future!
  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    cbt said:
    And lexander said that they won't be providing tech support. I don't really understand how this tools are made, but, if the base structure of GameSalad software changes, will you explain it or send maybe a little sample to Darren and Wayne? Or with "no support" motto this is prohibited too? I'm asking this because it really can speed up their work I guess..

    With the development of Project Merger and other GREAT tools by Darren and Wayne, I would imagine that if GS did change something that screwed with Project Merger or Project Resizer (when its available), then GS would have a LOT of pissed members who might leave the community in favor of another engine. However, I don't think GS would intentionally change something that would ruin all the software Darren and Wayne wrote, however, if they do, they've only hurt themselves. Even though the programs Darren and Wayne are writing are not native to GameSalad (even though they should be), the next best thing for GS is to take advantage of the fact that developers like Darren and Wayne are writing the software to accomplish much desired tasks so GS doesn't have too. As long as GS doesn't change anything in there software, the development and sale of third party software, like Darren and Wayne's, should be a win/win scenario for everyone.

    - Alex
  • dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
    utopiangames, WOW!

    The demo videos make your tool look great, but it's not until you actually *use* it that one truly gets just how incredible it is. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness!

    For anyone who may be sitting on the fence about whether or not they should get this, hop off and pony up. You won't be disappointed!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Thanks for the kind words guys,

    For $30 it's a bargain imo as it will save you hours and hours of time.

  • frariofrario Member Posts: 164
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173

  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369
    hi...I think also that Darren should take a poll or let us devs suggest (add-ons) that we need for development and coding in GS...then at least he can build what folks want....

    Certainly more basic templates (I can suggest a ton) are really useful......and at a fair price he would sell a ton...

  • ToastKittenToastKitten Member Posts: 360
    Is this anything more than just putting xml files into a new .gameproj directory?
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    ToastKitten said:
    Is this anything more than just putting xml files into a new .gameproj directory?

    If you mean, does that app splice the 2 corresponding project files together at the XML Level, whilst adjusting every ID Tag of every file. Whilst renaming every attribute object, asset, image, file, animation, behaviour etc, etc within every XML File. Whilst at the same time generating unique IDs within every XML File by analysing and comparing the ID references. Then proceeding by re-aligning the corresponding information within the files, before proceeding to iterate through every entity within the XML node structure, to ensure the integrity of parent/child nodes within the construct conform to every externally referenced attribute ID - either unique or generated by the Merger App. Which then leads to renaming the XML files to conform with GS requirements, and splitting and renaming all thumbnails, scenes and actors, which produces a new single project, perfectly, and intricately merged?

    Then no. :-)

    Simply dumping all the XML files into one project would be VERY bad... If there is a single ID clash, then everything breaks. This is why we made Merger.

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188

    How hard could it be, right?


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    ... well alrighty then :D
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    wayneh001 said:
    If you mean, does that app splice the 2 corresponding project files together at the XML Level, whilst adjusting every ID Tag of every file. Whilst renaming every attribute object, asset, image, file, animation, behaviour etc, etc within every XML File. Whilst at the same time generating unique IDs within every XML File by analysing and comparing the ID references. Then proceeding by re-aligning the corresponding information within the files, before proceeding to iterate through every entity within the XML node structure, to ensure the integrity of parent/child nodes within the construct conform to every externally referenced attribute ID - either unique or generated by the Merger App. Which then leads to renaming the XML files to conform with GS requirements, and splitting and renaming all thumbnails, scenes and actors, which produces a new single project, perfectly, and intricately merged?

    Then no. :-)

    Simply dumping all the XML files into one project would be VERY bad... If there is a single ID clash, then everything breaks. This is why we made Merger.


    haha. All that just goes straight over my head, glad you guys know what you're doing. Merger is invaluable for me and resizer will be even better!
  • ToastKittenToastKitten Member Posts: 360
    wayneh001 said:
    If you mean, does that app splice the 2 corresponding project files together at the XML Level, whilst adjusting every ID Tag of every file. Whilst renaming every attribute object, asset, image, file, animation, behaviour etc, etc within every XML File. Whilst at the same time generating unique IDs within every XML File by analysing and comparing the ID references. Then proceeding by re-aligning the corresponding information within the files, before proceeding to iterate through every entity within the XML node structure, to ensure the integrity of parent/child nodes within the construct conform to every externally referenced attribute ID - either unique or generated by the Merger App. Which then leads to renaming the XML files to conform with GS requirements, and splitting and renaming all thumbnails, scenes and actors, which produces a new single project, perfectly, and intricately merged?

    Then no. :-)

    Simply dumping all the XML files into one project would be VERY bad... If there is a single ID clash, then everything breaks. This is why we made Merger.


    So you could achieve something like this with a Scanner PrintWriter combo in Java yes?
  • jasmine12345jasmine12345 Member Posts: 39
    ive just put basic shoot em up and the joystick demo together and it didnt import the joystick control on the game,it was just a mess.or have i just missed the hole point of this program other than it just imports the bits from one game to the other then you have to rejig them all
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    jasmine12345 said:
    ive just put basic shoot em up and the joystick demo together and it didnt import the joystick control on the game,it was just a mess.or have i just missed the hole point of this program other than it just imports the bits from one game to the other then you have to rejig them all

    Hi, I've just tested the Shoot em up, and the Joystick demos, and I get a new project with all the scenes from both games perfectly integrated. Note the Project Merger is for merging two or more projects together. If the project files are very old, open them up in GS 0.8.7 onwards and re-save, then try again. We are working on a Scene Merger Application, which will merge/amalgamate scene actors and layers into one scene.

    If you need any further help, email me at: wayneh0011 [at] googlemail [dot] com

    Cheers. Wayne
  • JelJel Member Posts: 319
    One problem I've found with Project Merger is that all the Actor Tags are removed. Although each actor seems to keep the tags within their rules they no longer exist or are invisible in the Actor set.
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