sceen icons not changing

pjnolenpjnolen Member Posts: 152
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Do the scene icons normally update? Or does the image that represents them stay static, as though the very first one GS loads, no matter what changes you make, stays the same. I'd like it to display what they are now, not what they were like 3 weeks ago.


  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    While previewing your app, you'll notice a 'camera' icon top right of the display.

    Click that and you can take purdy pictures - and even save some as screenshots for your game!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • pjnolenpjnolen Member Posts: 152
    maybe a new feature in 9.1 would be doing that dynamically when you change it.

    Thanks QS, now i can find the scenes easier.
  • pjnolenpjnolen Member Posts: 152
    oh, wait, it will "auto-update", if you go to the preview screen, it updates that scene. If you double-click at the bottom on a new scene, it will move to that scene and update the icon for that scene. You have to do each one at a time, but it works.
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