Stick Character Animations

wrayayrtonwrayayrton Member Posts: 28
Hey guys, first post, and I'm excited to explore new areas of game design. I've been using Adobe (back when I started it was Macromedia) Flash for about 5 years and always have made games in it, but I wanted to give GameSalad a try. I'm not experienced at all as of yet. That's why I came here with some questions, as well as some animations I whipped up that any of you are welcome to use :)


  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    welcome wrayayrton .. looking forward to seeing what you can do with Gamesalad. As you can probably see, there's a great community here so if you need help .....
  • StanStan Member Posts: 138
    Welcome Wrayayrton, Really cool animations looking forward to see what you'll have for us later with GS. :)

  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079
    those animations looks awesome! and welcome
  • wrayayrtonwrayayrton Member Posts: 28
    thanks so much for the warm welcome guys, I'm glad to see there's a friendly user community. I'm just wondering if gamesalad supports .swfs as actors and, if not, how I might get these into a usable form of image or vector.

    I sort of wanted to do a platforming game with all facets of parkour- running, leaping, precision jumps, rolling if falls are big, vaulting, hanging, swinging and scaling walls. Is this easy, if at all possible in GameSalad? I am working on a more sophisticated version in flash of course, but I wanted to perhaps expand the game to an iPhone app.
  • magic101himagic101hi Member Posts: 713
    Wrote a LONG post about this and lost it so here is the short Version ;)

    1. no SWF's are not supported as actors
    2. Try searching google for info how to split it up.
    3. While it is possible it would be VERY HARD and I would not recommend it as a first project.
    4. If you have CS5 and know AS3 then you can make iphone games right in flash.

  • wrayayrtonwrayayrton Member Posts: 28
    wow, thanks for the reply. I've got CS4, and know AS2, but I struggle with AS3. I enjoy the idea of a parkour platformer, and I've figured out moving, but am still working on jumping. I have an idea of how I would do it, It's just coming slowly because of not knowing what I would do to make these sticks into usable formats.

    thanks for the helpful information! I look forward to trying to work with gamesalad.

    EDIT- for anyone who knows how to split up .swfs into usable files themselves, I'm happy to make animations of any type (my skills range far beyond simple stick figures) for them, just ask :)
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