Free Stuff on Request

wrayayrtonwrayayrton Member Posts: 28
I sure hope these threads are allowed, because I'd be happy to (within reason) make free odds and ends stuff for games that any fellow developers need.

here's a very small pack of tiles for platformers.


  • iDeveloperiDeveloper Member Posts: 441
    Nevermind. Was getting a 404 Not Found.

    Now they display.

    Great tiles! Should be helpful to people.
  • cabral91cabral91 Member, PRO Posts: 7
    these are great
  • joey2ejoey2e Member Posts: 99
    Cheers for posting them!!
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Free stuff is definitely appreciated. Although not for sale it may be best to post in the marketplace just so those looking to buy know there options. Make sure you put a big FREE ART!!!!! in the title
  • wrayayrtonwrayayrton Member Posts: 28
    oh, ok. well I actually kind-of wanted to do a "request" thread.
    if you know what I mean.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Ah it will prob get more notice in the market place still. but its really up to you since you are not selling.

    And since you are taking requests I have a game needing re-skined if you are interested in do that for free. :)
  • wrayayrtonwrayayrton Member Posts: 28
    and about how much media would i be reskinning for you for free?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Search Galactic.Towers Free that's the lite version. It will give you and idea.
    On my phone so I don't have the link.
    My email is tenrdrmer(at) if you want to talk more
  • wrayayrtonwrayayrton Member Posts: 28
    while I talk to him, does anyone ELSE want anything? possibly of a smaller nature?
  • anithmukanithmuk Member Posts: 235
    ^ I need a couple things, just some art for a particle shooter, a particle and a couple of walls/obstacles. Was thinking some cool neon-like bright/flashy tron-esque colours or maybe a happy cartoon style. Check out a demo of a few unfinished levels of the game on my profile. I'm not fussy about what the actual actors look like so any art that you want to make that looks cool and fits with the game will be fine by me :)
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886
    I need a selection of casino machines as background elements for my new game. They need to be 128w x 256h - is you get time... thanks

    To fit with these -
  • wrayayrtonwrayayrton Member Posts: 28
    ooh! what kind of game is it, and yes. I will see if I have some time soon.
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