What sort of iAd revenue can I expect with 140,000 requests?

StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
Ok, so I mucked up my 'Quake Builder' update a tiny bit and iAds don't work properly yet. That should be remedied in my pending update hopefully approved very soon.

I can however see the number of ad requests for my current version even though the ads are not active. From within the 'iAd Console' on itunes connect.

Yesterday it had around 140,000 requests... which seems pretty high for my little puzzle game.

Now I cant find exact figures any where, but from what I've read at random websites including Apples.

I believe I get 0.6 cents for each impression.

I may only get around a 5% fill rate for the requested adverts. Going up to 15% good busy days.

So at 5% that would be 7000 adverts shown in a day,

7000 x 0.6 cents = 4,200 cents = $42

If that's right that would be great, especially after you throw in a few actual ad presses now and again.

Does that sound right?


  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    I wouldn't count on the 0.6 cents/impression, as it tends to vary a lot. In recent days i've seen .33 cents/impression down to .05 cents/impression, so they get pretty low. Before christmas they were in the 0.6 cent range but it's dwindled. But it's not all bad news. Your estimate of fill rate is reasonable - I've had days as low as 3% and as high as 31%, so it varies a lot but let's say 5% as a conservative average (mine is 9%-11%)..

    Then there's clickthrus. I average a 1-4% click thru rate, but it's probably more accurately about 2%. Click thrus lately have been paying me about 20 cents per click thru, but they can be much higher.. So..

    7000 impressions X 0.1 cents/impression = $7/day
    7000 impressions X 2% = 140 clickthrus X 0.20$/click = $28/day

    I think that's a conservative estimate. You'll probably get somewhere between $30-$50/day if you can keep up those request numbers and your fill rates stay above 5%.

    Of course this is just my guess.
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    Thanks slot for the reply. Good to hear from someone elses experience. Fingers crossed for a high click through rate I guess. Wired way should be more than I was getting for my game when it was paid.
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    My iads update has just gone live, and ads can be seen in my game. Though you cannot click them to make them go full screen... AAAAAH!!! very annoying...

    Just messaged GameSalad asking them for the second time why this might be, I was worried before as it did the same in my Adhoc build.

    Its possible my iad behaviour is not always on the top layer in GameSalad.... is this essential. The iads display the small version fine above any other object.
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    I've never had this problem.. and I've had plenty of things I would think would interfere.. Like a general "touch" behavior on the scene, having the iAd behavior attached to the background image with other images on top of it.. I've never seen that problem.
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    Thanks again for the reply.

    I guess I need gs to look at my project.

    Or I need to do alot of trial and error testing
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