Can you be more specific? What exactly are you trying to do? Do you want the ball to roll? Bounce? How are you making it move?
Generally if your ball is bouncing uncontrollably, it's likely that the restitution (found under "Physics") on both the ball and what it's colliding with is too high. The default is 1 which means it never loses energy. 0 means it won't bounce at all.
Also, applying a "Drag" behavior to your ball will help it slow down more realistically.
Here's an example for a fairly realistically bouncing ball. It may help you get your ball acting the way you want:
Generally if your ball is bouncing uncontrollably, it's likely that the restitution (found under "Physics") on both the ball and what it's colliding with is too high. The default is 1 which means it never loses energy. 0 means it won't bounce at all.
Also, applying a "Drag" behavior to your ball will help it slow down more realistically.
Here's an example for a fairly realistically bouncing ball. It may help you get your ball acting the way you want: