When I try to publish to iphone, it says it was save , but nothing save. So I read codemonkey's thread , it says you have to check to keychain access . But I have only one account . What is the problem?
I had similar problem. It turned out it was my developer certificate that was corrupt. I cleared everything from my keychain. Got new certificates for both distribution and development, Followed the tutorials very carefully and everything worked out fine... tearing my hair out may not have helped but it felt good.
My first one only took 14 hours.... And at the point I fixed it Comcast Internet went down. Yeah... Like the exact moment I hit publish.
Reality is: it's not easy. Everyone tells you it will get easier. They are right. Doesn't matter. It's still frustrating. One little thing not right and the whole thing shuts down. And you bouncing between Gamesalad and apple and forums and the works. Keep at it.
The thought behind it .... If anyone can put programs (even test programs) on an iDevice, Apple will lose revenue because they are not bought through their store. They will also lose the control that they want to have over the programs that will run on their iDevice. They charge $99 to join the developer program. You can put ANY app you make on your "development" iDevices. You can have up to 100 different devices (a ipod, 2 iphone, 3 ipads, etc) each year. The only difference between a development device and a non-development device is that the number of that device has been identified as "OK" for you, and only you, to test apps on it. These $99 passes run out after one year, so people need to sign up again.
Sorry... Apple makes this difficult. But on the other side of the coin, they have opened the greatest platform up to the general public. Ever try developing for a Nintendo DS? Think $99 will get you approved?
Test on the computer by hitting the Green "PREVIEW" button. Make sure you are in the "HOME" screen so that the game runs completely through. If you are in a middle "Scene" it may just run that scene. It's a little challenging that way.
Reality is: it's not easy. Everyone tells you it will get easier. They are right. Doesn't matter. It's still frustrating. One little thing not right and the whole thing shuts down. And you bouncing between Gamesalad and apple and forums and the works. Keep at it.
If you want to test on an iphone, you will need to join the developer program for $99 per year.
Sorry... Apple makes this difficult. But on the other side of the coin, they have opened the greatest platform up to the general public. Ever try developing for a Nintendo DS? Think $99 will get you approved?
Best of luck and keep at it.