★★★ GS Project Attributes★★★

UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

GS Project Attributes 0.0.7

GS Project Attributes enables users to manage Game Attributes quickly and efficiently.
Features include:

- Find / Display all Game Attributes
- Rename Variable Names
- Re-Order Variables
- Multiple select and reorder
- Change Game Variable data
- Analyse Variable Usage
- Display Usage in Actors
- Display Usage in Scene Actors
- Sort Variables by TYPE, NAME, CONTENT
- Find unused Variables to clean your project. Variables marked in Italics.

- Includes data verification.
- View Game Assets (images & Sounds)

Save the re-ordered, data change Variables to create a new project.



GS Project Merger Merge 2 or more projects at the touch of a button.
GS Project Resizer iPhone to iPad to Mac store and visa versa.
Platform Template Our most popular template with over 90 sales.
Mega Pack 31 Templates Amazing value with 31 fantastic templates.
Shoot Em Up Template Over 30 moving enemies with 0 slow down.



  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    Insta-Buy for me when I get home.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    That's really nice.

    Does it work only with game attributes or also with scenes attributes and actors prototype and instances ones?
  • EminemEminem Member Posts: 667
    soon you guys are gonna make an application where theres an ipad and iphone game and when dropped two projects in it, it will then build a universal app ;)
  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    Is it possible to add new variables and will you have a feature to list actor/instances and their rules?
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    bought. love it. thank you for fulfilling my request. this is my 2nd fav next to the merge.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Good one...
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Great, I will be buying this, the merger, and the re-sizer later next week.

    It would be cool if you guys made something that tells you all of the unused assets in your game. Like all of the graphics and music you have that are not used in the game. This would be good for optimization.
  • ScootsScoots Member Posts: 507
    artonskyblue said:
    Great, I will be buying this, the merger, and the re-sizer later next week.

    It would be cool if you guys made something that tells you all of the unused assets in your game. Like all of the graphics and music you have that are not used in the game. This would be good for optimization.

    I believe it does that already Arton, according to his list on top it states: " Find unused Variables to clean your project. Variables marked in Italics."

    @ Deep Blue, love it guys & can't wait to see your new website ;-)
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    It does not show unused `ASSETS`. Arton means the graphics, sounds, etc.... It does have an asset viewer, but does not show if they are being used. Just shows how many times each attribute is being used.
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246

    This may already be planned, but will there be an update that allows to reorder actor.attributes? Not as big a deal, but would definitely be convenient. Like a little window would pop up kinda how you view the assets. Just curious. Loving the tool like always.
  • frariofrario Member Posts: 164
    This ability should belong to gamesalad engine itself. Did you apply to get hired? I think this would be priceless for them.
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Amazing utility... totally invaluable at the price, and worth so much more... that pretty much sums it up!....

    I have a half built game, that was working fine on the creator, but just locking up completely when using the viewer or playing a build on the device. Ive spent hours, probably days trying to figure out what was going wrong. GameSalad support suggested it was probably a broken attribute somewhere, but I simply couldnt seem to find it....

    So the game ended up being shelved... until I could find the time to rebuild it from scratch.

    I just bought Darren/Waynes GS Project Attribute, and thought I'd have a look at my problem project. Within seconds of using it, I'd re-exported my project, and now have a fully working version of my game, that now works perfectly on my devices!!!

    So for that one project alone, its already been a solid gold buy for me :)

    Keep up the good work Darren and Wayne... :)
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    It'd be great to get hired, but they always seem to want people with Bachelor Degrees, and Honours this and Gold Medals. Seems they aren't as interested in people who have 30+ real life development skills with a proven track record...

    Replied in other thread - but thats fantastic news! Glad you got your project working again..
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    wayneh001 said:
    It'd be great to get hired, but they always seem to want people with Bachelor Degrees, and Honours this and Gold Medals. Seems they aren't as interested in people who have 30+ real life development skills with a proven track record...

    They need people that work at a pace they can keep up with :)
  • mumblyanalogmumblyanalog Member Posts: 11
    Bought it !

    Keep up the good work Darren !
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    it would be nice to see which are the actors and scenes that are relevant to a particular attribute when it is clicked rather than just a total.

    ps project contents shaders?
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    This tool is awesome ! I'm going to purchase it tommorow when I get home.

    Do you think it's possible to make a list of all the attributes in the game and track their values while in preview mode?!
    This can be a major feature! Instead of using "display text" to view attributes values every time.
  • dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
    @Darren/Wayne, with all the wonderful tools you have developed and are developing, it would be great if you had a shopping cart on your website so that each tool wouldn't have to be a separate transaction. That would be slick if shoppers could click each item and purchase all the desired tools at once! With each addition to your library, a shopping cart would be that much more useful.

    Everything looks simply amazing, and I'm especially looking forward to the release of GS Score Font Maker, GS Scene Merger, and GS Project Optimizer! Thanks for the excellent work!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Thanks for the support we look forward to bringing you more tools.

  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Can you explain what the actors and scenes columns mean? :)
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Should a game attribute that is used once in one actor in one scene show 5 for Actors ?

    sorry to waffle on.. how are prototypes treated vs instances
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    GS Project Attributes
    Version 0.0.8 Update

    - Fixed an issue, where the wrong Analysis count for Scene Instances using variables was shown.
    - Analysis process now threaded for better memory efficiency.

    Actors: Count shows how many times the variable is used in Actors (Prototypes).
    Scenes: Count shows how many times the variable is used in Actor Instances placed on all scenes.

    Darren will be emailing everyone with the revised version.

    Rob2, what you describe doesn't sound right:
    1 Attribute, in 1 Actor, placed on 1 Scene should show: [Actor: 1 - Scene: 0]

    However, 1 Attribute, in 1 Actor, placed on 1 Scene and unlocked (becomes Instance) should show: [Actor: 1 - Scene: 1]
  • noefreshnoefresh Member Posts: 6
    Hmm- I just loaded up a project into this one and it just says There are no Variables to Analyse in this project. I have at least 5 and running. Any suggestions?
  • MatthewopMatthewop Member Posts: 9
    i really want purchase if you can cut the price down...
  • mythicappsmythicapps Member Posts: 82
    I just got this the other day (came with a free screen grid) and it is great, very much recommended.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Sale on until the end of October with our 30% off everything sale.

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