Anyone able to publish?
Member Posts: 1,593
Hi, as anyone by any chance published something this evening?
For the first time ever, restarting GS does not fix anything
For the first time ever, restarting GS does not fix anything
I even rebooted, made new provisioning profiles (just in case) and still no go!
THis is crazy!
I did all that and previously, (not counting the first time) I was able to succeed with doing the login trick but this time ether they are working on that stupid upgrade or there is an issue with God knows what?
It's been a long day and it would have been great to shoot this up ...
I look so forward to phase II of my game adventure ... soon my friend ... soon
i'm hoping not for your sake...good luck getting it done!
Any company who knows what they are doing will announce server down time because of xxxxxxxxxx
This is just something weird ... might maybe have something to do with the recent security patches so that no one can download games anymore ... that's my guess.
Well, I'll try again in half an hour ... will see how that goes.
I appreciate it (it's good to know that it's not me because I also have a hard time logging into iTunes)
ciao for now
is anyone publishing?
just curious if anyone knows what's going on in Austin?
open gamesalad from the gs icon, not a project file. Log in with the button at the bottom right on the main gs creator screen. After you log in dont exit that windor, just drop it down. Then open the project file and publish. You should be good to go
Success at last!
Thanks John ... now I can relax and clear out another corner to store money ... as it come in
That is the fastest approval time I have ever experienced.
But I know at least what "waiting" means so there is hope after all! LOL
Is there hope?
Thanks for your patience! We're not sure what went wrong, but we're looking into it.
Good luck with your review!
I just posted (last night) because I wasn't sure if the problem is on my end or not.
In the end it all worked out.
I am actually quite excited about the little iPhone app which assists music students with learning note names
I think that if I would make the app available for free, it has the potential to live on MANY iPhones.
Unfortunately, I know little about marketing strategies ....
same song, just a day later
WHY all of a sudden is the publishing server barfing all the time??
any news on when the server will be back up?
I just pinged our web team again. I'll post as soon as I hear something back.
-- Yodapollo
Your session is timing out before you get to the publishing process. The current version of the tool doesn't check your session state, so it fails when you try to publish and give the failed connection error message.
The way to fix this is to log in using the "Dashboard" (that screen that first comes up when you load GameSalad) and to try publishing again.
Our next version will fix this issue. Until then please use this work-a-round.
Is anyone else publishing?
Make sure when you log in click the gs icon, nthen when you log in dont exit that out, keep it open, then open your project file by double clicking it while that windows still open, then try to publish
I have been trying for quite a while now ...
Ever since you told me about opening GS from the icon (and not via double click) i am doing that but still ... something is wrong and I hate wasting time.
but i'm glad that it is working for you ... that gives me hope
Make sure you dont close that login window at all the whole time. Hope you get it working!
Thanks John!
Gamesalad Creator not found on network.
First time this has happened for me.
1) Make sure viewer and creator are the same version. Difference versions won't sync. To be sure you've installed the same version, delete the Viewer app from your phone before resinstalling.
2) Set up an ad-hoc network between your phone and the laptop (direct wireless connection via "Create Network"). This will ensure that it's working at all and is not due to network setup issues.
3) Viewer and Creator communicate via Bonjour. Bonjour requires multicast functionality to work correctly on the network. Consult google to see if your router needs any special configuration to allow Bonjour / Multicasting to work.
Hope that helps.