Well I was never one for math/programming, my strengths are in art and design so I think GS is perfect for me. I tried Unity for a while and then someone introduced me to GS.
did three months learning objective c and xcode. Then I found GS :-) In that time I had made half of a really really crap app that would take about 15 mins to make in GS.
Seriously wouldn't try to learn objective C for game making, too much to think about, perhaps a lua/scripting based engine would be better.
StusApps said: did three months learning objective c and xcode. Then I found GS :-) In that time I had made half of a really really crap app that would take about 15 mins to make in GS.
Seriously wouldn't try to learn objective C for game making, too much to think about, perhaps a lua/scripting based engine would be better.
Definetly, its like a whole nother level when you take objective c to game making. Open gl is not friendly!
Yup, i've been playing around a lot with cocos2d. Im sticking with Gamesalad for now, but I know im going to eventually have to move on so it's a good thing to learn it as a backup.
I tried Obj C briefly, just for greater control/options/etc. I gave that up within a few days; it just didn't click with me.
Then again, I learned the basics of Lua in less than two weeks - so I guess the "eff this" mentality depends on how much you like/dislike what you're learning.
Plus to be fair, I was kind of spurred on by the whole GS Direct thing; so many had the attitude of "You'll put up with it because you wont learn how to code. You use GS because you can't code." - had it been under different circumstances maybe I'd have given that up too.
TL;DR - Lasted less than a week with Obj C, I hate it and think it's an ugly, ugly language :P
Well I know a few different languages, Visual Basic and Java, which I use for Windows development. After spending a few years working with Visual Basic, I thought I would branch out and enter the Apple development world. Since I was really good at writing Windows software, I figured I could learn Objective C in a few weeks. So the second day into it, I started looking for another language/SDK. Then I found GameSalad and it's wonderful community and I have been here ever since. I've thought about learning LUA or Flash, but then i think about how easy GS is to work with and realize it's a lot more fun then coding everything. I plan on staying right here.
published 1 game written in objective c first. "Attack of the Alien Chew Toy". Wanted something a little faster. Enter GS at just the right time I guess. Still will program in objective c if there are features I want that GS has yet to implement... but with the game I am finishing up now that is not an issue.
I am keeping my options open though, and do delve back into the code now and then.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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Seriously wouldn't try to learn objective C for game making, too much to think about, perhaps a lua/scripting based engine would be better.
Then again, I learned the basics of Lua in less than two weeks - so I guess the "eff this" mentality depends on how much you like/dislike what you're learning.
Plus to be fair, I was kind of spurred on by the whole GS Direct thing; so many had the attitude of "You'll put up with it because you wont learn how to code. You use GS because you can't code." - had it been under different circumstances maybe I'd have given that up too.
TL;DR - Lasted less than a week with Obj C, I hate it and think it's an ugly, ugly language :P
- Alex
I still use gs though, just not for memory intensive games or apps!