are there any artists available ?

a7medo778a7medo778 Member, PRO Posts: 119
hi there
i been trying to get an artist to help for 3 days now and so far no good
i started with Beebe but i failed to meet his price quote

i only need 1 unique character ( with diff clothes styles ) and the rest is all backgrounds and levels elements

if any one's intersted please do say
this is my first game and to be honest i am kinda meantly blocked now by creating the game using "blocks" i need some animations to get whats its going to look like



  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    What kind of style do you want them in? I really need $15 so i'd be willing to draw some level elements or backgrounds in return.
  • a7medo778a7medo778 Member, PRO Posts: 119
    well be level set dependent
    if you can help with the charcter as well please email me @ :
  • a7medo778a7medo778 Member, PRO Posts: 119
    the menu system and graphics is done ( will use tshirtboth template ) so its just the level graphics ( character , elements , background )
  • diabeticbumbleBdiabeticbumbleB Member Posts: 49
    Hi I'm available to create artwork. Have a greate imagination and Photoshop/illustrator skills. I can pretty much design and create anything you are looking for. I have a few pics on my website Or email me on and I'll send you some examples of work.

    I offer jaw dropping bright colourful graphics at great prices. I'm passionate about my work so every image I create will be designed to perfection.

    Look forward to hearing from you
  • a7medo778a7medo778 Member, PRO Posts: 119
    email sent
  • davidarm91davidarm91 Member Posts: 1
    My name is david. I do logo designing for comapnies but also work with designing charachters. If anyone needs a cheap artist for their game let me know. I charge very little and may even do it on contingency if I like the game. Email me with your game idea and what you'd like
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