To my surprise, Apple just approved an app of mine. Can I still change the date?

Hi guys,
I got an email from apple this morning, advising me of the status change from "waiting for review" to "in review".
I figured that they would ready it by tomorrow and therefore didn't bother.
But now that I have learned about this speedy approval, I logged in and changed to date to tomorrow (in a few hours) just so that it does not release with the submit date.
That is ok. right?
I got an email from apple this morning, advising me of the status change from "waiting for review" to "in review".
I figured that they would ready it by tomorrow and therefore didn't bother.
But now that I have learned about this speedy approval, I logged in and changed to date to tomorrow (in a few hours) just so that it does not release with the submit date.
That is ok. right?
Anyway, I've set if for the 4th which should release it in a few hours. But I just want to make sure that this is the best way to do it? I still feel like a release virgin ....
Man, I live by your videos! Lol
My upload used to be:
Have your video on the left monitor
Do the mumbo jumbo on the iMac main screen
Pause as needed
Bow for the cheering applause (ok, I made that part up)
No really, those videos as amazing!
I assume that quite a few watch that one :-)