Pause Screen

RipSiKRipSiK Member Posts: 9
Hi guys; I am using photoshop to do a goood chunk of my art right now. I am curious if anyone knows which tool I should use to make a faded rectangle above my play screen. It would kind of look like a pause screen so that you could still see the game in the background.. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Also what programs are most of you guys using to compile your art?


  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    turn your transparency to 50
    I use PS
  • RipSiKRipSiK Member Posts: 9
    How do I make the rectangle; Should I just use the line tool?
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    opacity (pick a percentage you like ... something like 30ish should do)
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    RipSiK said:
    How do I make the rectangle; Should I just use the line tool?

    marquee select and right click > new layer from selection
  • RipSiKRipSiK Member Posts: 9
    Yeah I got it lol thanks guys; It was right in front of me haha
  • RipSiKRipSiK Member Posts: 9
    Well; it's technically not a pause screen. It's going to be a screen that comes up before you advance to the next level to give your character the ability to upgrade his tools and what not before you advance to the next level.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    I use Illustrator and Photoshop for my images. And I plan on using Poser in future titles.
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