Tech High School in need of zombie/human characters

PTIGameStudiosPTIGameStudios Member Posts: 16
Hello everyone! I am new here on game salad forum's but i do have experience using it. I am the leader of a after school club. This year we have decided to adventure truly into game dev and try and make our own IOS game. There is only one problem, we have NO artistic people! Only coders and people that don't know what to do.. SOOO we are coming to you for help! We need 4-5 different (HD if possible) zombies. We also need 1-2 Boss zombies. We need a main character and 3-4 civilians.

IF you can, it would be nice if we could get some backgrounds to. We need a school bus type level where you must defend the school bus. We also need a level with hills and maybe one where you defend the actual school itself.

If anyone could help it would be GREATLY appretiated and you will get the game for BETA :) Thanks again,
-Pathways To Technology Gaming Club (PTTGC)


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