Would you be willing to translate this to French, Dutch and maybe ????

I am wondering if some kind soul who is a native speaker of French, Dutch, Italian or another major lagnguage could translate this and email it to me ernstrenner gmail com
or simply post it bellow with a "hint" of which language was used?
I'd be happy to send you a promo code for all my apps
Thank you for your time!
Magic Flute for Little Composers
This virtual instrument features:
- Fun to use colourful play pads
- Built in lessons that make learning easy for everyone
- Real songs to learn
- Ear training to build up the musical talent
- Jam along sessions for advanced students
- Unique jam module for right AND left handed children
Developed by an Austrian music teacher/composer with over 25 years of teaching experience, this instrument is custom tailored to make the beginning easy and memorable for a life time!
I've recorded an introductory video to explain the unique features of the instrument and to access it, please visit www.ernstrenner.com/forum > Magic Flute for Little Composers
Parents, please note: Learning a musical instrument has nothing but benefits for the years to come so please be patient and praise you child often!
Every thing else, will come in time.
I am wondering if some kind soul who is a native speaker of French, Dutch, Italian or another major lagnguage could translate this and email it to me ernstrenner gmail com
or simply post it bellow with a "hint" of which language was used?
I'd be happy to send you a promo code for all my apps

Magic Flute for Little Composers
This virtual instrument features:
- Fun to use colourful play pads
- Built in lessons that make learning easy for everyone
- Real songs to learn
- Ear training to build up the musical talent
- Jam along sessions for advanced students
- Unique jam module for right AND left handed children
Developed by an Austrian music teacher/composer with over 25 years of teaching experience, this instrument is custom tailored to make the beginning easy and memorable for a life time!
I've recorded an introductory video to explain the unique features of the instrument and to access it, please visit www.ernstrenner.com/forum > Magic Flute for Little Composers
Parents, please note: Learning a musical instrument has nothing but benefits for the years to come so please be patient and praise you child often!
Every thing else, will come in time.
i wont be able to do anything tonight.. but ill see it in the morning
if you are willing to take a stab at it, the text is posted in my first post above, starting with:
Magic Flute for Little Composers
Ten wirtualny instrument zawiera:
- Łatwe w obsłudze, kolorowe przyciski
- Zestaw lekcji czyniący naukę łatwą i przyjemną dla wszystkich
- Prawdziwe piosenki do nauki
- Trening dla ucha, budujący talent muzyczny
- Zajęcia dla zaawansowanych uczniów
- Unikalny moduł dla prawo- i leworęcznych dzieci
Stworzony przez austriackiego nauczyciela muzyki i kompozytora z 25 letnim doświadczeniem, aby początki nauki były łatwe, przyjemne i proste do zapamiętania!
Nagrałem film instruktażowy, aby wyjaśnić unikalne funkcje i możliwości instrumentu, odwiedź proszę http://www.ernstrenner.com/forum > Magic Flute for Little Composers.
Informacja dla rodziców: nauka gry na instrumentach muzycznych profituje po latach, więc proszę o cierpliwość i częste nagradzanie swoich pociech!
Wszystko inne przyjdzie z czasem.
Now guess what language is that :P
Magic Flute for Little Composers
Developed by an Austrian music teacher/composer with over 25 years of teaching experience, this instrument is custom tailored to make the beginning easy and memorable for a life time!
- Fun to use colourful play pads
- Built in lessons that make learning easy for everyone
- Real songs to learn
- Ear training to build up the musical talent
- Jam along sessions for advanced students
- Unique jam module for right AND left handed children
I've recorded an introductory video to explain the unique features of the instrument and to access it, please visit www.ernstrenner.com/forum > Magic Flute for Little Composers
Parents, please note: Learning a musical instrument has nothing but benefits for the years to come so please be patient and praise you child often!
Every thing else, will come in time.
If you happen to be fluent in French, Dutch, Italian or any other major language, I would be grateful for a translation of the text above (everything between the -------- lines)
Thank you
without google, all I can do is "guess"
hmmmm ... let's see ... Polish??
T H A N K Y O U so much!
Please email me > ernstrenner gmail com
Do you have an ipad or friends who have an ipad? Most of my apps are for the ipad but next week, I have two coming out for the iphone.
If you care for music apps, I'd be glad to send you promo codes for all my non free stuff i have (including stuff I don't yet have )
I really appreciate it
Just added it to my flute section in the forum!
If you let me know your name, I'd gladly add it to give you proper credit
please check your messages
and agian, THANK YOU (for gettig the ball rolling!
I wish I could find somebody who could do the same in French because for so e reason, the flute is selling Bette then all of my other instruments.
I just added it to the Magic Flute app in iTunes!
In a bit, the info will become available and I'm sure, very useful for many people. The Netherlands ranks very high on my downloads and buyers list
Thank you for your time and skill!
(Now if I can find a French person to add the last piece to the puzzle, I've got it all!)
Magic Flute for Little Composers
Developed by an Austrian music teacher/composer with over 25 years of teaching experience, this instrument is custom tailored to make the beginning easy and memorable for a life time!
This virtual instrument features:
- Fun to use colourful play pads
- Built in lessons that make learning easy for everyone
- Real songs to learn
- Ear training to build up the musical talent
- Jam along sessions for advanced students
- Unique jam module for right AND left handed children
I've recorded an introductory video to explain the unique features of the instrument and to access it, please visit http://www.ernstrenner.com/forum > Magic Flute for Little Composers
Parents, please note: Learning a musical instrument has nothing but benefits for the years to come so please be patient and praise you child often!
Every thing else, will come in time.
This is what the translator did -
English to French translation
Flûte enchantée pour les compositeurs Little
Développé par un professeur de musique autrichien / compositeur avec plus de 25 ans
expérience dans l'enseignement, cet instrument est taillé sur mesure pour rendre le début
simple et mémorable pour une durée de vie!
Cette caractéristiques de l'instrument virtuel:
- Fun à utiliser de tampons à jouer coloré
- Construit en leçons qui facilitent l'apprentissage pour tout le monde
- de véritables chansons à apprendre
- Entraînement de l'oreille pour construire le talent musical
- Jam sessions long pour les étudiants avancés
- Module de la confiture pour les enfants uniques droitier et gaucher
J'ai enregistré une vidéo d'introduction pour expliquer les caractéristiques uniques de la
instrument et d'y accéder, s'il vous plaît> http://www.ernstrenner.com/forum visite
Flûte enchantée pour les compositeurs Little
Les parents, s'il vous plaît noter: Apprendre un instrument de musique n'a rien que des avantages
pour les années à venir donc s'il vous plaît être patient et de louange votre enfant souvent!
Chaque chose, viendra en son temps.
unfortunately, no one seems to be available so for now, I will use that because a reverse translation, proved "close enough" ... for now
Thanks for thinking of that!
Flauto magico per piccoli compositori
Caratteristiche di questo strumento virtuale:
- Strumenti colorati e divertenti da usare;
- Lezioni incorporate che rendono l'apprendimento facile per tutti;
- Vere canzoni da imparare;
- Esercizi per l'udito per aiutare il talento musicale;
- Possibilità di selezionare le lezioni, per studenti avanzati;
- Modulo musicale adatto anche a ragazzi mancini.
Sviluppato da un compositore austriaco con 25 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento, questo strumento è stato sviluppato e pensato per rendere i primi passi nella musica facili e memorabili per una vita!
Se volete vedere un video all'opera del Flauto Magico che dimostra anche tutte le sue caratteristiche uniche, visitate: http://www.ernstrenner.com/forum > Magic Flute for Little Composers
Nota per i genitori: imparare uno strumento porta solo benefici permanenti per i vostri figli. A volte bisogna essere pazienti e insistere con i propri figli perché si esercitino spesso.
Tutto il resto, verrà col tempo.
That is really nice of you
Slowly I am getting the most "universal" instrument out there! LOL
... do you have an iPad? I'd love to send you a promo code!
Las funciones de este instrumento virtual son:
-Lecciones que ayudan a a aprender facilmentre sin importar la edad.
-Melodias reales para aprender.
-Entrenamiento de oido para construir su talento musical
-Posibilidad para seleccionar las lecciones, para usuarios avanzados.
-Modulo musical unico para usuarios diestros Y zurdos.
Desarrollado por un profesor de musica de Austria, con mas de 25 annos ensenando experiencia. Esta aplicacion optimizada para hacer un aprendisaje facil, claro y memorable de por vida.
He grabado un video introductorio explicando las formular unicas del intrumento. Por favor visita http://www.ernstrenner.com/forum para acceder a los videos. De Magic Flute for little composer)
SPANISH, just for you.
Notice, i change some phrase to make more sense, but still the same meaning.
Unfortunately, there is only so much room apple gives you so I will put it up on my web page besides the other ones.
Please contact me via my web page and I gladly send you a promo for what ever you want to!
Again, thanks :-)
P.s. My web page URL is http://littlecomposer.com