Rotation Causes Odd Movement?
Member Posts: 41
My actor (a ball) is supposed to be affected by gravity. So what I've done is set a "game.Gravity" attribute to the game with a value of 700 and have my actor accelerate downwards with it's value set to "game.Gravity". It looks fine and works well if I turn on fixed rotation for my actor. I'm trying to get my actor to look like it's rolling not just a unchanged image so I off fixed rotation. As soon as I do that, during testing my actor collides into a platform and randomly accelerates in different directions.
I'm guessing because it's rotating it's direction of up down left etc "rotates" accordingly? I don't know.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I'm guessing because it's rotating it's direction of up down left etc "rotates" accordingly? I don't know.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
So that's what went wrong. I had already set the downward acceleration relative to scene BUT didn't do so for the collisions with my spring, bouncy platform etc actors. Changed it and works fine.
Thanks a lot.