What's the BEST app tracking site out there with frequent updates?

for a while now, I'be been using appannie.com to glimpse at my stuff but they only update once a day so I'm wondering if there are better sites out there that I should try?
Those of you who use appannie, did you give them your login pw? It asks for this info but i am hesitant to just give that away to a web site? Am I missing something here?
Last question before the coffee kicks in and my brain wakes up. Can we use a photo of the iPhone running our apps as an icon? I suppose the answer is no but in case someone has gotten away with it, I'd be willing to take the chance too
for a while now, I'be been using appannie.com to glimpse at my stuff but they only update once a day so I'm wondering if there are better sites out there that I should try?
Those of you who use appannie, did you give them your login pw? It asks for this info but i am hesitant to just give that away to a web site? Am I missing something here?
Last question before the coffee kicks in and my brain wakes up. Can we use a photo of the iPhone running our apps as an icon? I suppose the answer is no but in case someone has gotten away with it, I'd be willing to take the chance too

And im pretty sure since apple only updates there sales once a day, you can only get the once a day update on your sales and stuff no matter what site you do. But for reviews its differemt and it might be different for ranks as well. Appannie shows reviews for me a couple hours after there posted, it doesnt wait till the next day to update them.
yes, appannie is good and very pleasant to use except i can not bring myself to give them the login to my apple account.
I don't even give facebook access to my useless gmail account so definitely NO to appannie as far as that access is concerned. If they would be hacked, than all hell would brake loose!
Image to wake up and learn that all your apps were deleted? So NO, no access for any third party site!
I read about sites that update on an hourly basis ... anyone out there who has dug a little deeper on that?
- Alex
The one I pay for though is AppViz.
It costs 15 bucks and does a great job displaying the data any way you like.
I especially love that it adds up the earnings .... I am richer than I thought! Lol
They have a 30 day demo that is fully functioning .... I think :-)
I think you will like prismo ... It's polished and it shows the total $$$ !
I'm also impressed to see which apps do better as they are all drawn in a pie chart.
It's clever and a must have :-)
i feel violated...
Oh and global reviews?
Oh heck i'm just gonna have to go get the demo
BubbleBall Template HERE!!
AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
It's accurate, free and not hourly/daily, but instant. (Well, you might wait a minute or two for it to gather data, but that's it.)
The turn the list 180 degrees. This way, I'm on the top 200 ;-)
For me I have a 2 site go to every day. I use applyzer.com for hourly rankings, not sure of any other sites that update hourly. Then appannie.com for daily reports, it's nice to know where you are featured and they tell you.
That this mac runs in the first place is a miracle because I have so much junk connected to it that require two external USB routers to hold it all!
I haven't seen anything more suitable than prismo (plus i bought it so it's not like i will switch anytime soon)
It updates only once a day but with a low sales volume like mine, that's alright