flight control template

utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
hi there, this is basically the start of a flight control template!!
im selling this right now at 20$ each download, and this will continue to get great updates like

docking stations
more objects

etc etc :)
but this is for anyone who needs this type of code :) it can work with any type of game where you might need this :) hope you like it!

my paypal is

hotmail is


  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    or you could search 'breadcrumbs' in GS and get a free template. Also take a look at tenrdrmer's post in this thread. I think it applies here.


    Your RPG game is starting to look good value for money though:

  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    haha yeah this one works alot alot differently :) more faster and you can set the speed instead of just having it run to each post :D
    but yeah thank you for that, the RPG is on sale too for 2 days :D xD but not many people want RPG style games too hard to make, but thats why i make the template xD :D
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989

    Weird...I was just working on a flight control system for a game idea myself last night.

    Tempted to buy it just to see how your workings differ to mine.

    Does it always work perfectly everytime?

    I have mine following a path (self.name numbered spawned objects where the number goes up with each new part of the path). The actor goes along the path looking for the next numbered dot. It works really well and I can control the speed. But for some (currently unknown) reason every now and again it will stop and not continue following the path. (Possibly need a timer in there as GS may be working too fast and missing a rule).
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    ahh well mine works 100% everytime, will always follow the path but the rotation is a little slow, but you can change that

    you can change the speed of how fast it goes, and also can change the speed of the rotation :D mine doesnt use a timer for the following part but does use a timer in there somewhere :) right now im just trying to get the next update done is that when it finishes the path it keeps going :D but seems a little annoying xD :D
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    will there be multiples that can go on at the same time? and also, can we see the line 'drawn' my your finger/mouse? What else do you plan on in this update and how is performance on a davice? Cheers
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    well yes it can just havent added them in but have a document telling you how to add more and how to do it, and also how to explain the path,

    more updates will include reflection from walls not just bouncing but the image getting reflected and still moving, i will make it have certain places it goes and then it will stop and do a certain thing, and then when its completed it will only move after you make it a path, and many more features :D
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    you can see the path i made it colourless in the video makes to better to see :) but fixing it up to make it look better, i still dont have money to get my developer account yet so cant test that sorry!
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    I'll see how I get on with my version.

    Quite enjoying doing it myself and making sure I understand it all and trying to keep the processor effort as low as possible.

    If i keep getting errors I'll buy yours and see how you've got it working 100% everytime.

    Mine works fine if your draw long paths, but if you do a small path it seems to muck up randomly...ideally I'll find a work around without needing any timers as I'd like it to work ok on older idevice models. And spawning and timers might be asking a bit much.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    how is yours utongrag, does it work with small paths? Have you created it with lots of spawning and timers?
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    yeah thats cool :) i understand mine has, 2 timers and 1 spawner... the paths work no matter how long or short you draw them,
    i can add as many characters i want but if you want to make a game like flight control with the random actors coming in then i have an idea how to do it with not toooooo many spawners :)
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    i can also add a limit to how far the line goes just in case you want to make a sort of puzzle game using just a certain length of something :)
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Hmmmmm, im interested, but not sold yet ;)
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    haha well i will keep updating it :D and eventually it will be done :)
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    Just thought I'd chip in...with potential extras....

    - Have you got yours set up so it will not draw another path if you try to when one path already exists for that actor?

    - Maybe have customizable options so the actor follows the path straight away or once you release your touch?

    - Easy customizable line style either lines that link together like a long drawn line, or dots evenly spaced out.

    - Also I wonder if its possible to make areas where you cannot draw the path. i.e. if your finger is over a wall actor that your actor cant walk through don't allow path to be drawn there.

    (I've got rotation working well on my setup using:
    constrain attribute: self.rotation to (vectorToAngle( self.Motion.Linear Velocity.X , self.Motion.Linear Velocity.Y ))-90
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    thats cool :D:D haha well i already set it up as, if 1 path is drawn and if you click it and draw another path it will delete its current path and start a new one straight away but i will probally make it customisable :D also i have the wall thing so when i go over and area nothing happens, i have to fiddle with the actual path lines etc see how i can put that in :D but should be good :D
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    Cool...look forward to seeing how this one grows...and may buy it later...gonna try not to as I was planning on maybe releasing my version as part of a bigger template pack after I've used it in a couple of games...wont be for ages though and wont be a standard flight control style of game template either...
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Cool! there needs to be more template packs. or DEMO packs. Thats something I would buy. a demo pack, with a bunch of little behaviours like DEMOS that people are selling as templates. I might also buy this flight control too.
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    this is going to be now more of just a physics pack than a demo i will be creating a game template from this physic pack what i think everyone will enjoy :) so this physic pack will get updates but price is lowered to 10$ :) hope you like it and the game template will come out very soon :)
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    bump bump :D:D
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Physics pack? Preferred the direction you were going with the flight control scheme, a physics pack from this just seems like something completely different. Finish it up, it had potential to be good
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    dont worry thats what im doing with the game to go with this, im selling this as a pack just for the physics not for anything else :) and will be updated with a few things but will make a game to go with this :)
  • syncdinsyncdin Member Posts: 31
    I recommend anyone wanting to do a path finding / flight control type of game, buy this. I've tested it on a iPhone 3g, and it works well.

    It took me a while to figure out how it must be working, I think I've figured it out now... Trust me, it's not something readily apparent. I don't know how he figured this out, but it's brilliant. I think you'll be surprised.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Where are you from in the UK? i noticed the .co.uk.

    I'm in the midlands, near Nottingham.

  • wildstormwildstorm Member Posts: 4
    I would like to buy this just as it is.

    It is perfect for my first game, I also have other uses for it.

    How do I buy it?
  • utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
    so sorry i havent gotten back to anyone on this old post! or anywhere, i traveled to Japan just before the tsunami hit, and i was stuck in Japan for a long time, ( if you didnt know im from England but im currently in South Korea studying ) so i went to japan for a holiday what turned into a nightmare! but im back now and will start pumping out the templates!
  • twilson44twilson44 Member Posts: 1
    Is this still available for purchase? Or does anyone else know where a good template is that would achieve the same? Cheers :-)
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