Issue with drag (Video Added)

fullviewmediafullviewmedia Member Posts: 92
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi All,

I have a large scene (2048 x 1536) and I want to navigate is using a draggable actor within a box in the corner of the screen. The box and draggable actor are on a layer called HUD.

I also have other actors which are draggable and they work fine until I move the camera right or up away from the initial screen, then can then only be rotated.

Hope the video helps




  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Are you using an offset to the position of the draggable actors?

    I think (means im not sure)
    That when you have a big screen , and you drag actors around it you need to add some offset - something like this:

    in you draggable actor create 2 self attribute - "real"
    1) offsetX
    2) offsetY

    Then when you have a rule "when touch is pressed" do like this
    change self.offsetX to "touch1X - SELF.position X"
    change self.offsetY to "touch1Y - SELF.position Y"

    And below it have the constrains:
    constrain PositionX to touch1X - self.offsetX
    constrain PositionY to touch1Y - self.offsetY

    By the way this method also fixes the "snap to finger" when you drag an actor , gives you a smoother touch.
    tell me if that fixes the issue for you..

  • fullviewmediafullviewmedia Member Posts: 92
    ok will check and let you know, Thanks
  • fullviewmediafullviewmedia Member Posts: 92
    Sorry forgot to same I am using offset but will check the details :)
  • fullviewmediafullviewmedia Member Posts: 92
    no, all seems ok but no luck, I have tried a different way to navigate and still no luck :(
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    It seems that something is changes after you mess around with the navigator , i guess you have rules for draging an actor and different rules for spinning them , use "display text" to view the attributes that control this changes , and check if they work properly , cause from the video it looks like you can spin the actors , but the "constrain" to touch rules dont apply

    (another option is to post am image of your dragging/spinnig rules)

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