Game Art Creator - My email is down

diabeticbumbleBdiabeticbumbleB Member Posts: 49
Hi all, sorry if I have not replied to your email if you have contacted me regarding work Im not ignoring you. My email server has gone down and I cant access any of my emails.

Im still available for any artwork needed just email me on for the time being. For those of you i am doing work for expect an email soon :-)

Remember I am available for backgrounds, character design, items and anything else you can think of!!! i have a great imagination and without blowing my own trumpet some excellent photoshop/design skills just ask for some examples to be sent... oh and check out for an idea of my digital work..



  • diabeticbumbleBdiabeticbumbleB Member Posts: 49
    Email apparantly should be up and running... but im not too convinced just yet. Email me on for now and if you dont get a reply in a day (im normally very quick at replying) - message the gmail address

  • BramHoddssdBramHoddssd Member Posts: 414
    I sent an email to
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