Artist for Hire

AntennaStudioAntennaStudio Member Posts: 8

Hey GS,

I just want to share my portfolio with you guys. I'm freelancing and always looking for new work. If you have a project you are working and need graphics help please drop us a line.



  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079
    Very nice! Love the illustrations, I'll definitely keep you in mind. You may want to post some of your images in the original post.
  • may i ask what you used to make your website?
  • AppChogieAppChogie Member Posts: 503
    Hi AntennaStudio, great work.

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Great work Antenna! I like the colors you choose for your characters, it looks spectacular!
  • tmoehletmoehle Member Posts: 30
    Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to releasing my first games. I have a kids game and I'm using the wizard in my gallery for a missile defense game.

    @DestructionProductions I think there is a free version that allows you to store up to 5 projects.
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    tmoehle said:
    Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to releasing my first games. I have a kids game and I'm using the wizard in my gallery for a missile defense game.

    @DestructionProductions I think there is a free version that allows you to store up to 5 projects.

    What the? Are you antennastudio too? You acted like you were him?
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