➤➤➤GS BubbleBall Style Drag n Drop Template➤➤➤

tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello Everyone, I've spent some time over the last couple weeks putting this together. I hope you enjoy. I decided to do this partially to develop a nice template I could sell and partially to prove Bubble could have easily been done with Game Salad.

This is a template with a recreation of the very popular game bubble ball. The layout and all has been mimicked in this template however I do recommend changing the layout some to create the game as your own.

This template is split into three layers to improve Game Play

HUD/User Interface: In level menus, GUI buttons
Game Pieces: Movable pieces for solving the puzzle
Level Layout: Walls, BackGrounds, Floors, FinishArea, Etc.

There is no spawning or destroying in any level. No gravity used. most objects are set to non-movable.

The template is mostly just colored blocks at the moment however there is some art and all art included is either public domain images or my own creation. all free to use by you.

Elements Included:
Level Start Stop button
Options Button
In-level menu that appears when the options button is touched
Reset, Menu, Resume Buttons that appear on in level options menu
Level Clear menu appears when ball reaches the finish
Reset and next level button that appears on the Level Clear Menu

Game Pieces:

LongFixedBeam - Grey
ShortFixedBeam - Grey
SmallFixedBlock - Grey
LargeFixedBlock - Grey
SmallFixedCircle - Grey
LargeFixedCircle - Grey

ShortFixedBouncyBeam - orange
LargeFixedBouncyCircle - orange

GravityUp Switch
GravityDown Switch
Accelerate Right Switch - Triggers only one during each start stop cycle
Accelerate Left Switch - Triggers only one during each start stop cycle
SlowDown Switch

Level Layout:
Wall/Floor - Black
Clockwise rotating Platform - Navy Blue
CounterClockwise Rotating platform - Navy Blue
Finish - Checkered
Staging Area
Future Planed Game Elements:

Game Pieces:
Free moving beams, blocks, circles (I do have this prototyped just don't have the bugs worked out of it)

Level Layout:
Teleport option
Left Right Moving Platforms
Up Down Moving Platforms

Those are a few things I am working to add now. Also I am willing to take ideas from purchasers for additions to the template.

I plan to provide regular updates to this as needed and requested by the purchasers.

I will also be available to help customized the GUI for your game (My availability will mostly depend on the quantity of requests. ie. a lot of requests mean I cannot spend as much time with each developer.)

Since this is my first template I will be offering the first 10 copies at $15 each, after that the price will be $30 each. I believe this is a fair price to help compensate my time as well as let you see this is not yet another thrown together in a day type template without the risk of a huge loss of money.

Email tenrdrmer(at)yahoo.com if interested.

Thanks, I hope you enjoy this

AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook


  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Been looking forward to this kind of template for a while!! You can count me in on this, its a steal at the price. So simple to make levels for this type of game with this template.
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    nice looking template (and a professional looking post to explain its value). Good luck with sales.
  • 777ideas.com777ideas.com Member, PRO Posts: 895
    Very Nice!
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Guys I just got the template and it is worth getting! So easy to make a game with this AND regular updates. People who got bubble ball were pleased with the game type but not the basic and generic boring theme. So now is our chance before "nay games" makes a better looking version.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Hey just an update. Anyone who has requested an invoice should have it and all paid orders have been sent out still have a few $15 copies left. Get em while there hot.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Hello, All requests within the last 10 hours have been filled Sorry guys i'm in US so I was sleeping. three Left for $15
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Hey guys be watching this thread later this evening. I should have a video showing the first update to this template. Also some more ideas of some things I plan to add.

    There is 2 templates left for $15 after that they will all be $30 each.

    Catch you guys later.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I have prepared the first Update to the GS BubbleBall Template Here is a video showing the new level layout options.

    Basically I have added 4 moving platform options. They will always reset to the same starting location.

    There is a

    Right-to-Left platform
    Left-to Right Platform
    Start Up and move down
    Start Down and move up

    All platforms are easily sized how ever you like and move distances can all be set with instance attributes so you will not have to unlock instances to customize.

    Now the big news is in the whats to come area. JohnPapiomitis has graciously offered to help add some pipes similar to his pipe builder template. I have already started on some layout ideas to help you guys with your game as far as cool ways to use the pipes. But it should be pretty interesting and we are working on that next.

    So hopefully in the next week I will be able to send out something with those pipes added.

    Anyone interested hit me up at tenrdrmer(at)yahoo.com

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Hey Guys all $15 copies are gone.

    Price is now $30.

    Thanks to all who have purchased.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Hey guys we are running a package deal for Stacks Level Selection Template and the GS BubbleBall Template.

    Buy Stacks Level Selection ($40) and receive $10 off on GS BubbleBall ($30 normal)

    That Means $60 for both instead of $70.

    Email me or send via Pay-Pal to tenrdrmer(at)yahoo.com.

  • jpmurphjpmurph Member Posts: 62
    just sent payment, can't wait to get my hands on these!
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Sunday April 24th thru Saturday April 30th

    Buy One Template at Full Price.

    Get 2nd Template at 25% off

    and 3rd, 4th, and 5th Template 50% off

    Thats as much as $35 off a regular price of $100 for all templates.

    Happy Easter


    tenrdrmer(at)yahoo.com (Questions,Comments, Pay-Pal)

    Project Help from Tenrdrmer Click Here

    GS BubbleBall Template HERE!!
    Stacks Level Selection Template HERE!!
    Expanding Option Menu Template HERE!!
    Tenrdrmer's Menu # 3 HERE!!
    Menu #4 - Level Banners HERE!!
    AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
    AppSolute Entertainment on iTunes
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Ok Guys I have not had a sale for a While so here Goes and this is the best sale I have had ever. Buy 2 or more templates and your entire order is 50% off.

    Thats up to $100 of templates for $50

    Hit me up if you want to take advantage of this. the Sale ends Friday at Midnight Central US time.

    tenrdrmer(at)yahoo.com (Questions, Comments, PayPal)



    AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
    AppSolute Entertainment on iTunes
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Hey guys,

    Have a halloween Sale running for the rest of the month.

    All of my current Templates. In every orientation I currently have made.

    $48 This is an insanely low price.

    - GS Bubble Ball Template
    - Stacks Level Selection (2 iPhone Landscape Orientations, 1 iPhone Portrait, 1 iPad Landscape orientation)
    - Expanding Options Menu System (Both iPhone and iPad, portrait and landscape)
    - Menu #3 Unique Swiping menu (iPhone Landscape)
    - Menu #4 Banner Selection (iPhone Landscape)
    - ShapeWars Game Template (iPhone Portrait) No Art rights included
    - GS ConnectZ Puzzle Template (iPhone Portrait) Art included

    For more information on all of these templates:

    This sale will end at 11:59PM central US time on October 31st. Don't mis this one Its every template I have ever made. $160 worth of templates for $48

    And, an added bonus to this Sale is a special offer for those who purchase this pack.
    The full Source Code for AlphaBalls and AlphaBalls HD. This game was built from the shape wars template but has much more added in. The project will include low res art for identifying proposes only. No rights to use the existing art will be given. This full game template pack of both iPhone and iPad versions will be available for only $50 with the purchase of the 7 template pack listed above. And only those purchasing this pack will have access to the full game at this time. Will will release the full game Template to all others after the sale at a regular price. Lots of ways you could modify the theme and game play to further enhance and make a killer game.


    Enjoy guys, This is the best sale I have ever done. I Look forward to your emails. and just to recap

    - 7 Template Pack in multiple orientations - $48

    - AlphaBalls and Alpha Balls HD full game template - $50 with the purchase of the 7 template pack


    tenrdrmer@yahoo.com (Questions, Comments, PayPal)
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