Serious bugs in 0.9.1

alladinianalladinian Member Posts: 7
edited November -1 in Tech Support
At first, I thought that bugs were due to that I was opening my old (created with 0.9.0) project.
Whenever tried to change a scene, gamesalad would become stalled. Even the save/cancel confirmation upon closing the project was unresponsive. Then I tried to make a new project from scratch...
UI becomes randomly messed-up. Scenes do not change properly etc...
I also got a screencast for you guys, just to see that everything is broken (at least on my machine -Latest Macbook, 4GB ram, latest osx- all up-to date).
I think that a proper update has to be pushed asap...


  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    just to verify ... I also can recreate that bug
  • JelJel Member Posts: 319
    Really GS should not have released this version as I have wasted half a day redoing all my work back in0.9.

    I know a lot of people put pressure on them to release the updates as soon as possible but please GS don't buckle to the pressure and make sure the updates are really ready to go.
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    Also.. if you just have 1 scene.
    hit the small play button.
    then stop
    then hit the big green play

    GS goes majorly tits up
    Even if you try to quit, it comes up with the "do you want to save" dialogue but pressing any of the buttons does nothing.
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246

    +1 saw that one
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    Jel said:
    Really GS should not have released this version as I have wasted half a day redoing all my work back in0.9.

    I know a lot of people put pressure on them to release the updates as soon as possible but please GS don't buckle to the pressure and make sure the updates are really ready to go.

    I personally have mixed feelings about this...

    We all should realize that we are still using Beta software. Whether you paid for it or not..
    Seeding less than stable releases to users is the most effective way to identify and isolate bugs. Although, it usually helps more if the dev team is less tight lipped about the status of the fixes..
  • JillSaladJillSalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 43
    I've passed this along to our CS team.

    Thank you for your patience!
  • JelJel Member Posts: 319
    BarkBarkCo said:
    I personally have mixed feelings about this...

    We all should realize that we are still using Beta software. Whether you paid for it or not.. Seeding lest than stable releases to users is the most effective way to identify and isolate bugs. Although, it usually helps more if the dev team is less tight lipped about the status of the fixes..

    I know where your coming from BarkBarkCo, they need to release a version to the public otherwise they would never release an update. But not being able to preview the scene properly in preview is a glaring bug that should have been ironed out beforehand.

    Really at the end of the day I only have myself to blame as I should know better than to use an update until a few days after release.
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    Jel said:
    Really at the end of the day I only have myself to blame as I should know better than to use an update until a few days after release.

    Well not quite!
    The problem is that the QA team seams to be sous chefs here and the gang in Austin!
    Why they don't have a wip build out and a server to support that is beyond me.

    Sure, some need new features but I too would have been happy with working for a little while longer with the laggy buggy 0.9.0 version especially since I've reached the "third act" of my little pretty show ;)
  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    GS NEED a bigger test team. I have banged on about this for the last year in the forums. Maybe someone thinks "its beta and our customers are our testers....". Well, I would not treat my customers this way.
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