What about gamecenter?

cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
First things first, thanks for FINALLY releasing 0.9.1. Now that thats out of the way, I don't want to sound ungrateful or disrespectful, but seriously this whole Game Center thing has been a blazing hot topic for months now and you're still beating around the bush. Can you just let us know whats up? Like no generic hazy answer "We see that many people want it and its on our list!" *Topic Closed*.... Just answer straight up please.



  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    Good luck with that ^^^

  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    I totally agree, we do need gamecenter. It has been a key factor in many apps that are successful. BUT, instead of looking at what you don't have, trying dealing with what you do have. I know gamecenter would be great, but just DEAL WITH IT until they actually put it in. There are MANY threads out there on this topic and the GS team is probably well aware of this. And you are right, we do NEED a straight up answer when this is coming. But for now, use what you have. or use another sdk.
  • joshmiller602joshmiller602 Member Posts: 206
    DreamLab said:
    I totally agree, we do need gamecenter. It has been a key factor in many apps that are successful. BUT, instead of looking at what you don't have, trying dealing with what you do have. I know gamecenter would be great, but just DEAL WITH IT until they actually put it in. There are MANY threads out there on this topic and the GS team is probably well aware of this. And you are right, we do NEED a straight up answer when this is coming. But for now, use what you have. or use another sdk.

    Agreed. I wonder cbowers428...do you think that the GS team does not want their SDK to have Game Center? Do you think they are just procrastinating because they dislike the whole GameCenter concept?

    The reality is they probably want Game Center just as much as everyone else here. But being a small startup, whose SDK is still in BETA, things don't roll out as fast as Walmart rolls back prices. It takes time to create these features, and although it sucks to wait, remember that with the amount of time GS saves you from coding (if you even know true coding), will far and away make up for a few features not currently included, but probably right around the corner.

    Remember, this is BETA (which by definition means it doesn't include everything). Again, I know it sucks to wait (I'm waiting too), but being one of those "I DEMAND AN ANSWER" kind of customers, won't make the software develop faster. Don't be "that guy"....nobody likes that guy.

    - Josh
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    It's just like.. we see them sitting here making a big announcement about pause features and thats cool and stuff but to be honest, I could do without new features as long as Game Center is top priority. It's always going to be "what if my game had Game Center" as opposed to knowing you made your game the best it could be. Hell I could even deal with closing GS every 5 minutes as long as I had Game Center. I just don't see how thats not a top priority.

    And really even if it isn't top priority, the point of this post was not to bitch. I just want to know wtf is going on cus like DreamLab said, "go use another sdk". If I knew Game Center was coming soon I would stay, otherwise I'd leave and stop wasting my time which is why I want an answer lol.

    Basically by constantly BS'ing us and being unclear in their goals they hold us up if we wanna go find something else. It's very unfair to keep us guessing. (Especially cus they keep promising more info and better communication)
  • RattleheadRattlehead Member Posts: 485

    @cbowers428: No offense, but are you new here?

    There is nothing, zip, zero, nada new about how GameSalad chooses to communicate with their customers. I am still amazed at how often people bring this up. It sucks, yes, but get over it.

    Seriously people, if you don't like what the company is doing, move on. There are tons of tools out there. I certainly don't choose to limit myself to just one. I always look at what application I am developing and pick the tool appropriately. If you have 'requirement X', then go use 'tool Y' that delivers it.

    Why don't people do more research when evaluating whether or not they should buy a product?
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    i'm saying they keep bringing up better communication. ppl on the forums gotta chill dude its not that serious I just asked for Yodapollo to follow thru and tell more info about Game Center like he said he would a few days ago. I do like GS but I just would like to see it improve like anyone else would, and it starts with basic communication skills.

    On this forum if ur not like posting everyday/well known then people always try and get mad at you when you have something to say smh. I'm not a douche for asking a simple question about the company. Like i said, I want to stay but would like to see if Game Center is coming soon or not, if it isn't then I will leave thats the point. I would like Yodapollo to answer if its close or not. simple fuckin question dont get your panties in a bunch.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    By no means does gamecenter make the game. If your games good its good, if its bad its bad. Its a very nice feature to have, but its not gonna make a bad game good by any means.
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    By no means does gamecenter make the game. If your games good its good, if its bad its bad. Its a very nice feature to have, but its not gonna make a bad game good by any means.

    did anyone say that?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    cbowers428 said:
    did anyone say that?

    you said you dont want to look back wondering what would have happend if i had gameceneter
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    you said you dont want to look back wondering what would have happend if i had gameceneter

    as in it would make the game better. its like if u take a test and get a B but didnt study. youre prob gonna be satisfied but say what if i studied.. idk just trying to find a metaphor.
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    tbh my game could sell 20,000 a day for all i care, im still gonna wish it had popular iphone game features.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    By no means does gamecenter make the game. If your games good its good, if its bad its bad. Its a very nice feature to have, but its not gonna make a bad game good by any means.

    I gotta say lack of game center could make or break certain games. Especially paid games.

    For example Darrens Shoot-em Game is awesome fun and addicting and free. But now once it got a roll if it had game center people would keep buying because your are competing for high score against the world. Thats a major game breaker especially for that type of games. And you better believe reviewers would hammer it for not having GameCenter also.

    But its free so no one complains.

    BubbleBall Template HERE!!

    AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    tenrdrmer said:
    I gotta say lack of game center could make or break certain games. Especially paid games.

    For example Darrens Shoot-em Game is awesome fun and addicting and free. But now once it got a roll if it had game center people would keep buying because your are competing for high score against the world. Thats a major game breaker especially for that type of games. And you better believe reviewers would hammer it for not having GameCenter also.

    But its free so no one complains.

    BubbleBall Template HERE!!

    AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook

    I definetly think its a great feature to have and helps alot with sales , i just wouldnt go as far to say it makes or breaks a game, its not gonna make a bad game good, thats just what i think though :)
  • RattleheadRattlehead Member Posts: 485
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    I definetly think its a great feature to have and helps alot with sales , i just wouldnt go as far to say it makes or breaks a game, its not gonna make a bad game good, thats just what i think though :)

    Exactly. But still, I keep hearing people blame the tool. And again, if it doesn't meet your needs, find another one. Prior to buying GS I hit the forums and took into account the limitations. I knew what I was getting into, what the environment was like and decided that I would work within those confines.

    No one is saying you can't ask for the features but it doesn't make sense to keep hounding them repeatedly. Honestly, I hope you get your features. But in the meantime make a game that doesn't require them; you'll be pleasantly excited when they do arrive.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    I definetly think its a great feature to have and helps alot with sales , i just wouldnt go as far to say it makes or breaks a game, its not gonna make a bad game good, thats just what i think though :)

    Very True, I guess maybe it can break a good game. Maybe thats a little more accurate.

    BubbleBall Template HERE!!

    AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    Rattlehead said:
    Exactly. But still, I keep hearing people blame the tool. And again, if it doesn't meet your needs, find another one. Prior to buying GS I hit the forums and took into account the limitations. I knew what I was getting into, what the environment was like and decided that I would work within those confines.

    No one is saying you can't ask for the features but it doesn't make sense to keep hounding them repeatedly. Honestly, I hope you get your features. But in the meantime make a game that doesn't require them; you'll be pleasantly excited when they do arrive.

    Ur missing the point. Its not about getting the features! I would just like Yodapollo to tell more info. That's it....
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    and btw I haven't bought gamesalad, I am waiting about the game center info to decide if I'll move on (like I said)
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    One of the issues with the GS community is that users let fanboyism turn them blind to huge issues like this one and settle for less. Drop the nice guy, "GS ROCKS" attitude and look at it as if u were buying the games, not making them.
  • RattleheadRattlehead Member Posts: 485
    cbowers428 said:
    Ur missing the point. Its not about getting the features! I would just like Yodapollo to tell more info. That's it....

    No. I hear you loud and clear. Like I have said in this post and every other post, GameSalad posts when the feel like it and they rarely bow to pressure in the forum.

    And I am glad to hear you are researching things before making a purchase; extremely wise.

    As for the 'fanboyism' in the forums: there are definitely people who enjoy the product as is and are willing to wait for new features. To be honest though, I can't think of anyone who has been on this forum for any length of time that hasn't been frustrated at some point but they have learned to live with what they got.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    cbowers428 said:
    Drop the nice guy, "GS ROCKS" attitude and look at it as if u were buying the games, not making them.

    GS does rock, or we wouldnt be here right? As much as i would love to have GameCenter like yesterday, and i really do think this is one upgrade that should of been implemented a long time ago, with more priority than things like iAd's, i just design my games to not really need it. I mean, i do this in my spare time, therefore, i have loads of game ideas but sadly, not enough time to do them all. Sooo, when i think about a game, i think at the moment to GameSalad's strengths, i know theres no GameCenter as it is so i try to make a game that doesnt need it.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    beefy_clyro said:

    GS does rock, or we wouldnt be here right? As much as i would love to have GameCenter like yesterday, and i really do think this is one upgrade that should of been implemented a long time ago, with more priority than things like iAd's, i just design my games to not really need it. I mean, i do this in my spare time, therefore, i have loads of game ideas but sadly, not enough time to do them all. Sooo, when i think about a game, i think at the moment to GameSalad's strengths, i know theres no GameCenter as it is so i try to make a game that doesnt need it.

    That's a great way of looking at it!

    Running games, traditionally, are about how far you can get. And while that is a focus on my GS made running game, it's not the *main* focus. There are others, that don't require GC at all really.

    Whether that's any good or not, I don't know. I'd love to have GC integration.

    QS :)

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    GameCenter: +1, "Like", ♥
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    GameSalad is good for devlopers who can't code, bad for gamers for lacking features. By being bad for gamers it is also bad for devlopers.

    Be honest, if u knew how to code a game and make it as good as it would be in GS would you still be here? People say they like GS when really they're just stuck here cus they can't code. If GS had some real iPhone features then I would use it even if I could could perfect games. I just don't see why GS is okay with being 'for the 99% who can't code' as opposed to that and being a legit competitor to other engines. Like I said, look at this as a consumer/gamer, not developer
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Many people here CAN code and they choose to stay.
  • cbowers428cbowers428 Member Posts: 176
    Okay, Jesus everyone u are all right, but the point of the thread was to get some communication from Yodapollo. That's all
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    *edited* nevermind!
  • iMuseiMuse Member Posts: 80
    People can downplay this all they want but OP's point is still valid. When looking to buy a new game on the appstore, GameCenter support is often used as a filter these days. Your game needing to be good to get great sells I agree with, but a lot of the time it is after this "filter" is applied that the quality of the app is considered. (believe it or not)
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    iMuse said:
    People can downplay this all they want but OP's point is still valid. When looking to buy a new game on the appstore, GameCenter support is often used as a filter these days. Your game needing to be good to get great sells I agree with, but a lot of the time it is after this "filter" is applied that the quality of the app is considered. (believe it or not)

    very true. I believe there is a section on the appstore where you can search through Gamecenter only games.
  • iMuseiMuse Member Posts: 80
    DreamLab said:
    very true. I believe there is a section on the appstore where you can search through Gamecenter only games.

    Yes. through gamecenter itself, all the hype nowadays!
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
This discussion has been closed.