Congratulations Mulcahy!

JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
edited November -1 in Introductions

I just wanted to say well done to Jonathan Mulcahy who has been around the GameSalad forums for a long time helping out and getting involved with forum happenings. Im not an official GS representative, but I just thought, it seems your games are proving to be quite popular and getting good feedback all around and just goes to show what GS is capable of.

With the release of games like Z for Zombie (first in 'New and Noteworthy' in iTunes, and now featured on GS's home page!) and V for Vortex it seems your doing a really great job. Nice one, well done!

So everyone who isn't already, put those thinking caps on and make some really quality great games, as you can see, its so possible!

This is Josh Kahane, finishing his rambling, over and out.


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