Survey: How many people on here have programming experience versus not
I'm a non-programmer here! Never done any programming ever, and have learned a ton just these past few weeks thanks to everyone whom has helped on the forums!
Thanks to everyone for all of your help and patience for us newbies.... like myself! ^-^
Thanks to everyone for all of your help and patience for us newbies.... like myself! ^-^
I was going to make my game using the stanford course of how to create an iphone APP in 4 weeks! the videos are on itunes for free!cocoa object-c and some frameworks...
as I loved the idea of making FAST games with fast earnings...but the limitations( not to save data creating a ranking system with names and scores, and not programing just alittle to customize your game better, like to create customized fonts with commands like ADD font(gml has it)...the particle system also requires better handling like controling particles position using camera assets like on GML view_xview[0..7] and view_yview[0..7] I can control the view and also give it to any character on screen like when an enem,y is using a special attack or on cutscenes.
but I really like the interface on both GML and on Gamesalad...but if it had the possibility of programing just alittle it would be amazing as GML...some people say for me that GML is not a language....but I disagree because i my high definition game 1280 x 720 I have more than 60 pages of my WHERE in the world this is not a programing pseudo-compiler??
In other hand GS is a game creator tool that even a person with no knowledge in programming can produce almost complete functional games with no coding...this is really amazing!!And Gendai Games had professionally made a greate software for the comunity...And for me it´s almost like a GML version with practically no coding...but you need to have knowledge in logical mathematical...without it you won´t go anywhere here!
GS == GML with practically no coding but with almost the same logical mathematical structures.
and the object structures too like rooms = scenes and objects = actors!
So I really liked it!! THANKS for the nice APP
I am going to make nice games with it for the apple store and make the name of gendai games go up!!
Also I wanted to know :
Can I put something like POWERED BY GAMESALAD (and the theme picture of GS) and not pay royalties for this??
but the problem is do we pay royalties for this??? LOL
for example you guys could provide us developers an animated icon of GS to put in an initial scene with a custom audio saying powered by " GAMEEEeeee SALADddddddd!! " with a girls voice...that would be really you are giving the gamers the idea of using a professional game engine to release that software!
I would love the idea of a logo to use that says powered by GS. No audio though, or at least the option to not have it.
GS and GG will of course get special thanks in the credits - if we have room for credits! :P
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
That´s what I really want to!
well..if some people want to , just put...if some don´t want to just don´t use it!
I doubt there would be royalties involved, since no one would pay them. I personally wouldn't pay to have the logo, but I doubt that would even be considered, since if we decided to put the logo in, it would be FREE advertising for GS.
The way I see it, the more people using GS, the more GS is likely to "succeed" business-wise. I for one am planning on a future in game development, & would love to see GS stay successful for a long time. The longer they are successful the longer I will be