★★★ GS Project Optimizer available Now! ★★★

UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
This is the one you've all been waiting for:

GameSalad Production tool which enables users to Analyse and inspect the GameSalad project for error detection and efficiency.

GS Project Optimizer, examines various game production elements and provides a full report back to the user of errors and areas for further refinement. Additionally the software contains a PNG compression utility, which could help reduce your file sizes.

GS Project Optimizer Features:
Report on Broken or illegal Actor rules.
Report on Scene Instance variables in Prototypes.
Find unused Actors in your Project.
Report on the details of every Actor.
Report on Instances on the Scene.
Analyse Spawning rules, report on efficiency.
Review Images in Project.
Report on Illegal file names, which could cause your app to crash.
Report on Bad sizing, resolution etc.
Identify unused images and sounds.
Review Sound files within the Project.
Optimisation options including:
Automatically rename illegal files, re-associated within every XML file
Compression of your PNG files to save valuable space on iOS devices.
Drag n Drop interface.


Darren & Wayne.


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  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Awesome, another purchase from me :) Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing what this brings up
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    ....You might not :-)

    It's quite surprising what's lurking in some Projects. The application also identifies images that are in the IMAGES folder but not applied to the Project. And it's a shocker sometimes to see just how many times you are Spawning - it makes one realise where the memory and FPS is going.

    Also, thank you again for your support we both appreciate it very much.

  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    Ok so I got it and it is pretty cool. I ran it on a game I just updated and after I optimized it myself. It located a bunch of unused actors and images that I missed.. Dropped my file size from 5.5 to 4.6. well worth it. Thanks

    I have some questions

    Why does it tell me I have illegal file names? I have spaces in my name. Is that a problem?

    Will the image compression change the resolution?

    Great tool.. Thanks
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    Also, I have an upgrade suggestion

    How about determining if an actor is visible, or movable. S someone could change ig.

    That wouls be a huge optimizer.....
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    Also, I have an upgrade suggestion

    How about determining if an actor is visible, or movable. S someone could change ig.

    That wouls be a huge optimizer.....
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    Thanks for the feedback, and excellent that the tool was able to further optimise your Project.
    GS Project Optimizer's PNG Compression algorithm should respect the current files resolution, the tool does not create the space savings by reducing image resolution. 72dpi in - 72dpi out etc..

    Space's in names, are inherently bad and can/could lead to problems further down the line. Ideally all file names, should not contain Spaces, start with a number, contain a minus symbol ( - ) or contain exclamation marks ( ! ).

    The tool considers these as illegal and replaces with a friendly underscore ( _ ). This option is not 'strict' but should be considered. If for example your compiled app runs with WHITE images, this is sometimes due to image file naming.

    The showing of the MOVEABLE or VISIBLE Attributes will be included in the next release - good idea, and very useful.

  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    I edited my post as I have been drinking.... And it didn't make much sense,,,,,

    Love the program..... Thanks again.....
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Ah ha, have ran my latest project through it and definitely some interesting results. A lot that i expected but some i never realised and would never of found.

    I created a blank actor which when touched links to some of my other games, i have 1 prototype on screen and 3 instances. Its just a simple rule, if touch is pressed open url .... Your app has flagged 2 problems on the link instance, any idea what it could be as i dont see what is wrong?

    Also, i have a strange result ... on spawning it tells me i am spawning on all my instances of my 'reset' button. I have this button on every level and it says i am spawning on each one when im not?

    Very handy program though, good work guys. Havent done the optimisation yet as i need to remove images not in use before hand, i'll let you know what it saves me.

    Also suggestion for update, image resizer. Scale up or down a pixel to make even size. That would be great and further more makes all our life's easier :)
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    HI Beefy, The scaling up/down option for assets is a good idea, I'll discuss this with Darren to see how this can be done, and not 'break' the display of the images in your projects.

    The other issues you describe, could you duplicate the Project, delete all the images, and sound files, then send me a copy of the project - could be there are more scenarios the software should/shouldn't detect. Would be interested to see.

    info [at] deepblueideas [dot] com.

  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    wayne, does it convert sound files down to 22,000mzh mono? This would be really good as this is one area which causes issues on the device when many sounds are used.
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    @TwistedMech: The sound compression in the NEXT release, will be able to create [little endian, 16 bit, 22kHz mono] audio files from your WAV files etc, you will be able to nominate the kHz at the compression stage. Hope that helps.
  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    many thanks. I think an option to delete unused assets will be good as it seems that people may have to do a lot of manual cleanup work on large projects after app completes its reporting. Any reason for this to be missing in this release?
  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    just ran a scan and it asked to turn off "collect scene instance data" due to finding an error in the file. Does this option do a lot of things? is there a log which could indicate where the issue is?
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    TwistedMech said:
    many thanks. I think an option to delete unused assets will be good as it seems that people may have to do a lot of manual cleanup work on large projects after app completes its reporting. Any reason for this to be missing in this release?

    The only prob with deleting the unused assets is that it may delete images being used .... like custom score fonts where it constrains and changes image. As it detects at the mo, it would delete them when the do get used. If they could workaround this it would be great.

    Perhaps you could select which ones you want to delete, that would be better.

    @Wayne, have emailed you my project :)
  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    beefy_clyro said:
    The only prob with deleting the unused assets is that it may delete images being used .... like custom score fonts where it constrains and changes image. As it detects at the mo, it would delete them when the do get used. If they could workaround this it would be great.

    Perhaps you could select which ones you want to delete, that would be better.

    @Wayne, have emailed you my project :)

    select and delete would be good.

    the actors xml does specify the name of the image being used for change image and animate so the app should be able to know if the image is being referenced inside the actor rules and not just for the default image assigned to the actor. Example would be for hud score number.
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    All good ideas guys.

    We'll look at the possibility of including a [check-box] next to Actors in the tool, with the option to [Delete] them. We took the decision to not 'affect' peoples projects with this tool, but rather give people an overview of some potential issues.

    The [collect scene instance data] simply reports on the X,Y, Size X, Size Y of the Instances on the Scene, disabling this option will not lessen other functionality within the tool. There is a technical reason why it does or doesn't work, but it's a technical matter attaining to the construct GameSalad does or doesn't use, sometimes, kinda....

    @BeefyCyro: Got file, I've reported back, hope it helps.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Dont forget code HighFive for an extra £5 off orders over £20 and our new tools bundles.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    October sale ending soon 30% off.

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