Graphics White Transparency Problem

I couldn't post on the graphics section because it kept signing me out. Anyway when I add an image as an actor the white will be there on top of the background. So it looks terrible!! Any help???
Use the magic wand to select the area to delete it.
You don't need any app for that because Snow Leopard has already everything you need built into preview mode!
Just double click a png image and it will open in preview mode.
From the toolbar, choose the select > "instant alpha" option
Put your mouse cursor over the colour you want to remove and drag a bit
Once you are happy with the selection, delete it and save!
Thats it! :-)
To clarify - I think that .PNG 24 bit has alpha channel (transparency)
while .PNG 8 bit doesn't?
Anyway, when making my GS actors, I always use .PNG 24 bit,
and it turns out great. ;-)
Pixen is a VERY good free app for pixel type graphics.
(who needs 3d anyway? ;-) it's PLAY ACTION that is king!)
I love learning new little tricks like that.
You can crop, size, and even save in different formats.
Say you fetch a jpg from somewhere ... like a facebook button or gmail button. You get rid of the unwanted border by making it transparent and now you can save out a png file and drag it right into iWeb.
Preview is one of my favorite tools that comes with OS X!
I love anything that saves me time