Post-holiday sales
Hi guys.
Just want to share an observation so far with regards to sales during this post-holiday period.
I'm seeing sales dropping off gradually since end-december 2010. Since this is my first time being a full-time developer since October/November last year, I'd like to know what other's experience are like.
Also with the Verizon-Apple deal last week, many are expecting more sales coming from more new customers. Some how I am not "feeling it"...yet. Not sure if there'll even be a sustained sales spike across the board for all apps that are in the top 200 in every category.
I hope only veterans will chime in here. Thanks.
Just want to share an observation so far with regards to sales during this post-holiday period.
I'm seeing sales dropping off gradually since end-december 2010. Since this is my first time being a full-time developer since October/November last year, I'd like to know what other's experience are like.
Also with the Verizon-Apple deal last week, many are expecting more sales coming from more new customers. Some how I am not "feeling it"...yet. Not sure if there'll even be a sustained sales spike across the board for all apps that are in the top 200 in every category.
I hope only veterans will chime in here. Thanks.
But hey thats just one mans opinion.
i think it will be hard to get "usable" info because everyone's situation is so different.
I am too new to comment on the issue with specific numbers but a few days ago, I've started tracking every detail of my apps and it is helpful to see the patterns emerge!
I had a slow start back in December but so far, February has been better than the two previous months before.
All in all, i am changing direction and put 80% of my time into going after the windows users and the rest, with upgrading my existing apps.
Could be a number of factors contributing... Xmas is over, gift cards have been redeemed and used, or could be kids are well into school now, or just timing.
Hopefully things will pick up again!
Not seen a bump from the Verizon thing at all.
Congrats of the great sales. Sorry I've forgotten but what apps do you currently have up on the store?
Do you need storage (for your money)?
Then a bunch of other but there not under my name. Stuff from old rev shares ect.
Come think about that, I've not done any press releases at all...
All my games on Google Play