How to create a finish line?

Benjamin_m5Benjamin_m5 Member Posts: 646
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey there

How can I make a Finish Line in my race game? I would that when my actor is two times over the finish line it change scene


  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    I can think of a couple ways;

    1) put a timer on the rule:
    Rule; when player colldies/overlaps with "FInish Line Actor" after .1 seconds do XYZ (where XYZ is what you want to happen, like play music/sounds, change scenes etc.


    2) takes more advanced programming;
    If you know the X/Y values of where the finish line is, say your game is in landscape and you player start at the left (position 5,160) and the finish line is at 475,5, then put a rule on the player actor;
    Rule when self.position.X is </= 480 then do XYZ.

    Hope that helps. Is this what you're looking for?
  • Benjamin_m5Benjamin_m5 Member Posts: 646
    I understand it half. what means xyz and how can I make that iztconts only when my actor comes from right side?
  • digletodigleto Member Posts: 76
    Xyz is whatever you want to happen.
    for number two make a state (a rule that is if the char is moving right then xyz happens) and collides with actor than make it finish.

    Sorry kind of confusing to explain, but you should really try to learn the program a bit more before attempting a game or you will need help with everything this simple.
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