Provisioning profile has expired

JamesBoucherJamesBoucher Member Posts: 433
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Please let me know when GS has fixed this. My provisioning profile has NOT expired. I get this error when testing on my iPod touch. I just did a build 20 minutes ago. I've tried this three times and I get the same error. This is a GS thing I do believe.


  • JamesBoucherJamesBoucher Member Posts: 433
    Any help would be great. Everything was work fine. I uploaded to GS about three times with no problem. I then made a change and uploaded it to GS. I then drag the app for to itunes and it install (just like it did the other three times before). I tapped to run it then I get the error. I've tried everything that I know and nothing works. Could someone at GS take a look at this.

    I'm selecting the correct provision profile. No it's not expired. If deleted the app off the iPhone and turned it off and on. I've deleted the app off of the GS server and resent it. The provisioning profile is only about two weeks old.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    did you try redownloading the provision profile from apple's dev center? I've had a problem in the past with a profile expiring wicked early, I just redownloaded it and replaced my local one.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    also, make sure the date/time are in sync on both your iPod Touch and your Mac.
  • JamesBoucherJamesBoucher Member Posts: 433

    Yes I did all of that.

    I just got it fixed by deleting the provision profile on the iPod (even thought it had not expired). Then deleting the app off the iPod. Then syncing the iPod back to itunes.

    I've delete the app on the iPod on my other attempts to fix this, but not the provision profile on the iPod.

    So remember kids if you have this problem to delete the provisioning profile on the device (even if it's NOT expired) then try to download your app.
  • MappdevMappdev Member Posts: 16
    I just had the same problem and I wasn't even using Gamesalad. So, don't think this is a Gamesalad problem.. it's an Apple problem. I had to delete the dev app and the provisioning profile off my iPod, re-download the profile from Apple and rebuild/compile.
  • frufrufatifrufrufati Member Posts: 1
    How do you get a provisioning profile?
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    I wish I could sell as many copies of my game as this video is watched!

    For each of my applications i've submitted to apple, this video was running right along :)

    Thanks for making it Mr Toronto!
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