Amazon app store, will gamesalad support it?
Member Posts: 101
Amazon is launching an app store if your a developer like me youve gotten the email by now so what do you think? will gamesalad provide support in an update?
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Besides the fact that its pretty safe to say that sales from every andriod phone and tab, probably wont compare, to just one osx platorm app, or anything in the appstore for that matter.
Even the complete angry birdds is free on andriod, its ran off ads on that platform. And ive always said that just being in the appstore, is some of the best marketing you can get. The andriod market is crap, flooded with fart apps and such.
The reality is, Android is not that big of a deal. I haven't made an iPad game yet, but I think I'd be more successful on that than on Android.
The Mac store is another area I'm looking at, and will probably move into at some point, but personally, I seldom go onto the Mac App Store in the same way I use itunes or look for more ios games.
The thing is, publishing to new/different platforms is more work for everyone.
More work for GS, as they multiply the amount of bugs/features they need to find/implement.
More work for us, as we need to port our games to the other platforms (less work thanks to the resizer tool, but still, a day or two away from doing something else at least).
It looks very good to shareholders, I'm sure, when they see that GameSalad is available for more platforms. But for the kid that just bought my game, it means nothing.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Now dont think im in any way making Mac any less important i LOVE apple and have been working with there operating system for years and i have been a developer for a while as well and when i came to gamesalad i loved it its been what ive used sience mid 2009. But i believe that we should stretch out a hand to our brethren in the android community for the sake of progress and development if nothing else, its a lazy excuse to say that the only reason we wouldent is because we will have bugs to work out, considering that gamesalad is an application that works with DEVELOPERS to make applications
The latest GS release was delayed because of bugs with the new publishing to Mac system.
Adding another system like Android will mean more delays in what *I'm* really interested in - namely having a fully fledged game making system for iOS devices. Which is where the money is right now for developers.
Last time I spoke to Joe about his Grisly Manor figures, he was up to 80k sales on just iphone.
He ported it to Android and had around 80 sales over the same sales period.
Additionally, the diversity in screen size and performance will give any developer that cares a tonne of headaches as well as expense.
I respect your opinion, but I honestly don't see the point of Android development as it is right now. I have to laugh when I see the Android powered 'iPad killers' being rolled out using Android that are *less* powerful than an iPad. You have to wonder what'll happen when iPad 2 is out!
Anyway, just my $0.02
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Android is to mobile device as as linux is to PC's. Its a neat Idea ut since theres no real standard it will never be on top of the OS markets because people do not want the headache of dealing with the vast variations of the OS.
I think GS should look at it in the future, but only after all the requested features are implemented and it's stable and fast
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This is far too civil!
There, much better
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
However, hearing people porting their games over there, and making a dismal amount of money made me rethink my opinion on it.
We need to have full features for iOS before we delve into publishing for another OS like Android.
We need Game Center, FB, Twitter, In App Purchasing, and all the bells and whistles for iOS before thinking about another platform, which would just delay those very essential features.
I too would like to be able to develop for Android some day as well, but I decided that if I do start making apps for Android, I'm going to just learn Corona for it. And since i'm not a good programmer, that will probably never happen.
And there is no real quality control over at the Android app gettin place, like was already mentioned, useless fart apps everywhere.
It's better to focus efforts on improving iOS and adding more features, than chasing down something that will be massively disappointing in terms of sales.
Obviously the more devices GameSalad eventually supports the better but as has been stated multiple times above, it's more important to resolve issues and bugs at present.
As someone who has games on Android and iOS, I'd like to state that I have never had a single Android sale - not one.
My games may not be incredible by any stretch of the imagination, and they aren't all available on both platforms; however if an app sells 500 or so copies in the App Store (never any huge days, just consistently reasonable sales) but none in Android, well, it kind of puts me off.
Just my two cents. (Or zero cents on the Android Marketplace )
Off I go! Pleasant day to you all.