What else does my game need...
Member Posts: 283
here is a the link to try it http://gamesalad.com/game/13058
So use the arrow keys to move ( left and right) and don't hit anything.
Please give me ideas on what to add to make it better.
Also what is a better way to stop an actor from moving off the screen...
(ps. the art my change because it is not very good)
thx, <><
So use the arrow keys to move ( left and right) and don't hit anything.
Please give me ideas on what to add to make it better.
Also what is a better way to stop an actor from moving off the screen...
(ps. the art my change because it is not very good)
thx, <><
Also, I'd turn the fishes so their 'swimming towards him.'
Maybe add a scuba diver to add to the life/add a life at certain point levels.
INSTRUCTIONS... animation,, bg movement. color change on damage.. did i mention INSTRUCTIONS?
atmospheric music would be cool.......are u realeasing this on ios? or just web?
working on fish now
and also pause and music w/ volume.
Ok animations are on the way ( having my artist make), instructions will be on menu ( on the way), whats bg movement? and ios in time.
this could be REALLY fun with the right elements. so can any game
and then there is crazyfishworks (art type stuff like I made the background that the game has now) and the Crazyfishdev they all are cool and of course <><
isn't crazy tho, the we know alot about space, but HARDLY about our oceans?scary !@#$%....
The fish look a bit odd facing to the right and moving upward, for example. Animations, sound and some other things would help.
Is your goal to make this an iPhone game? If so will there be buttons for left/right?
The concept and pacing is interesting but the last 5-10% of a game seems to be half of the overall effort ;-).
but yea i see the polish coming through. little by little pumba
I like the idea of the submarine firing torpedos at the player, maybe after the fish stop spawning the sub can come in.
Still would like to see the player flash when he's struck by something (that way players know they lost a life).