Changing scenes free up memory?

ShanemcShanemc Member Posts: 86
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
So will changing the scene in my game free up all the memory used on the first scene? If so, will reseting the scene free up the memory?


  • ShanemcShanemc Member Posts: 86
  • InLikeFlynnInLikeFlynn Member Posts: 171
    I'm pretty sure it frees some of your memory. The best way to figure out your own memory management is to use the gamesalad viewer and keep an eye on your computer monitor to see how much is being used.
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    i am just guessing here but based on one of my apps, it does not seem to be so.
    I've made an instrument that, via a scene change, loads a new sound but it's very bad and I have to reprogram the app for an update asap.

    I hope others can chime in here because i'd like to know that too :)
  • bazookaBenbazookaBen Member Posts: 318
    according to my GS viewer tests, changing the scene reduces the game engine's memory, but not the overall memory. weird.
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